

博客文章http://angelsgrove.com/succulent-leaf …
Echeveria Lilicina



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我叫Jessica,負責製作花園和家居設計視頻。我住在科羅拉多州北部,在5區園藝。我與父母和祖父母在南達科他州西部(也是5區)一起園藝。 。

  1. I』ve been having problems with this, and it turns out it』s with the same succulent as yours. I don』t have that much success even getting them to sprout, and the ones I have are still small :/

  2. ahh thank you very much for showing how to separate the two lil ones! Some of mine are growing like this too and I wondered if its a good idea to seperate them, but wasnt sure how. Thank you for showing this, I´m gonna try it out.

  3. Oh thank you for the info. I thought for sure my 5 foot white African cactus was going to die. After watching ur video, I got her reported and she's doing great. Bought severel other ?at a sidewalk sale and now I know what kind they are and how to care for them. Thank you, ur the best and don't stop with the video's, I got my first one 2 years ago, now have 18. Thanks again.

  4. Yay! You're a certified plant lover! The last part was nerve-wracking! I have similar baby succulents that should be separated. Through your tutorial, I now know how to deal that tricky part. Thank you for sharing your knowledge. Wishing you a blissful marriage!

  5. Hi there, was holding my breath watching this! ? I have a mealy bug issue on a donkey』s tail… have you noticed any issues with spraying rubbing alcohol on succulents? Any tips are very welcome! Thanks, Kendall

  6. Came here to see how she'll propagate succulent from leaves, found myself watching detaching process of old leaves which isn't necessary
    . Title is misleading?

  7. Very precise. i especially liked when you separated the Siamese twin babies. I thought for sure one would get no roots. Excellent job!

  8. Those baby plants are just absolutely adorable! Thank you so very very much for this video very educational no wonder you have so many viewers and subscribers I hope I can get somewhere away from the amateur stage that I'm at right now especially in my filming I only use my cell phone so but have to figure out ways to add extras besides just what my cell phone can do for my channel thank you thank you thank you so much for this video I've learned an enormous amount from just this video!! I've never been good with succulents so after watching Maria on Maria's Garden and now watching your I am one lucky person. I love the microphone on my cell phone keyboard because I love to talk so now my comments can be long just as if we were sitting having a cup of coffee and chatting about succulents. I talked and my little microphone does all the typing great invention

  9. Also I've been watching YouTube for a couple years now and love the plant videos. I've learned a lot from these videos and decided maybe I could share some of the things that I found out on a YouTube channel. So I started a YouTube channel but can't figure out how to change the name just something to do with plants so mine's just plain old Kathleen Murphy and if you also put the word coleus or orchids in your search engine on YouTube you'll find me. I have succulents but I haven't made a video of them yet I have house plants I have gardenia trees I have Tropicals things like alocasia and colocasia and I especially have phalaenopsis orchids. I've become addicted to them since November they always died before but now I know how to keep them alive and thriving. It's thanks to a lady in Canada whose name is Caroline and her husband's name is Jack. They decided to name their site by combining their name so it's Jacqueline's orchids only Jacqueline is spelled as in j a c o l y n s orchids. She made me brave enough to go buy a couple orchids I know I could keep them alive but I've become addicted to the orchids and I tell her it's all because of you and it's her fault that I bought probably 40 orchids now. I also watch Rick on Rick's orchids and he taught me the nitty gritty of how various nutrients work to help an orchid grow new leaves new spikes new. He has experience growing plants using Hydroponics! He is a wonderful person and if you have any questions about your orchids no matter how many questions he has he always answers them. He has Parkinson's and his wife went to nursing school so she would know how to take care of them. He has all kinds of orchids and is very knowledgeable and has only been growing orchids for a couple years. Anyhow those two people are the reason why I have over 40 orchids so check out my orchids and I have a lot more videos to come so please subscribe like and comment because I love to learn from comments that people leave. Someday maybe I'll have a hundred viewers or subscribers you have a zillion take care my friend and come visit my site oh my channel whatever you call it

  10. I love this video! Of course I love to see these little baby plants coming out of leaves. Every time I go to Lowe's or Home Depot or Walmart or any place that has a succulent I always picked up the poor little leaves that are falling off onto the floor or the shelf and put them in a tissue and bring them home I just started to do this lately because I noticed some of the little leaves had a root coming out of them and we're struggling to survive on the bare Shelf and others have even started to grow a little plant. But even if those leaves didn't show a roots or a little baby plants starting I still pick them I usually show what I've done just someone that's working in the store I don't want them to think I'm stealing things. In fact something broke off of a succulent I was buying and the lady was going to throw the leaf in the trash and I said oh no no it might grow a baby plant she said oh I didn't know that. Home Depot got some huge baskets of succulents in and they were supposed to be $30 and they reduce them tonight teen they're packed full of succulents and I count it all the plants in there and I think there were over 10 different kinds of succulents so that was about $2 for each kind and it's in a huge Coco wire mesh basket. I wasn't going to buy one but I notice it had a string of Hearts growing on it. But it has rained and the lady that was watering I don't think she knows much about plants and she overwatered these plants lined with plastic and these wire mesh cocoa fiber hanging baskets so they weren't draining. It was still soaking wet two days later so I decided to take the succulents out and they were very well rooted but the soil was still soft and wet and I was afraid they were going to rot. So I lifted each individual plan out and I'm allowing each plant to dry out and then I'll replant the basket hopefully. So if you have a Home Depot near you I live in Maryland maybe you can find one of these baskets of succulent on sale it even had a spider plant growing in it. Reason I knew the succulents we're not going to do well as I watch a lady named Maria and her YouTube channel is Maria's Garden she lives in Punta Gorda Florida Ann Groves all her own succulents at her succulent Nursery. She takes cuttings from all of her succulents what's the in potting soil and then leaves and only gives them a Sprinkle for the first couple weeks so that they don't rot they just grow roots like those little leaves for a little plants we don't water them we just let them go succulent Nursery

  11. Ive been trying to find this species of succulent for like ever, where did you get your original plant? I only have a lowes by my place and they never have this kind.

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