PS5傳言不完整,沉默嗎? & 更多

從PS5規格到新的Silent Hill,謠言工廠本周變得瘋狂。另外:E3已取消,雷吉現在可用於GameStop嗎?本周趕上遊戲新聞!

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PlayStation 5 To Feature 11 TFLOPS GPU With 52 CUs, Clocked At 1743MHz – Rumor






Sources: PlayStation Backs Silent Hill Series Reboot & Silent Hills Revival


Nioh 2發射預告片





GameStop appoints Reggie Fils-Aimé to board of directors



  1. I would love to see a console version of Everquest! ESO is close, but it's not the same. I played EQ2 for 5 years when it first came out, I'd still play it if I had a pc that would run it still, and support was still there. Best game ever made

  2. The consoles this gen will be so powerful that we will never hear the words by devs saying they drained all the power the console could give

  3. PS5 needs to stops playing coi and just come out with their specs!! they recently did their GDC presentation, and that gave us some info.. But that seemed way more geared towards developers, obviously being that it was the GDC conference presentation, but now that info is available, just come out and give us (the players) the specs! and informational bout what this thing can do! neither xbox or Playstation has said what software or other things these consoles will be capable of?? i』m sure some sort of streaming access will be in there.. will twitch/youtube be incorporated into the console? that seems obvious, that they should make that much easier! also i』m sure both xbox and playstation will try to role out a streaming/gaming service of their own.. Xbox game pass as an example, but hopefully an extension of that!! yeah they need to bring back a major way to 「rent,」 games! a way that players can try out a game and see if they like it.. pretty positive this will never happen because it doesn』t incentivize players to buy games, and probably would stop some players from buying shitty games like fallout 76, or anthem, basically games that aren』t finished yet and we』re made for developers to 「finish」 their games over a period of time with the 「live service,」 model as an excuse to just sell us more shit with less polish on their product!

  4. There was a time where i just played point and click games, before the 2000's.
    Nightlong; a cyberpunk game, was amazing and deserved a remake, even though people this days are not that into point and click any more..

  5. My favorite moments in these videos are when Jake just loses focus "The lights went off and I was talking about Silent Hill and it's Friday the 13th" "You just coughed!" and finally thirsting over the "beefy Prince" XD
    You make my day, man!

  6. PS5 needs to make it waaay more cheaper than series X. The variable GPU claimed specs are just delusional. I'm deceived. I expected it to be at least on pair/close to the new X.

  7. hm new witcher won't be geralt

    maybe we'll be able to build our own of sorts – it might be cool to have a little more potential influence in certain areas than TW3 gave us (you were mostly a jack of all trades who could specialize some- i mean more a potential specialist ish given witchers don't just do one thing)

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