
默認情況下,將WebSocket服務添加到應用程序常常被誤認為是高性能,但是,要想獲得最佳性能,就必須在客戶端和伺服器上進行更多考慮。諸如SPDY,WebSocket和即將推出的HTTP 2.0之類的實時技術都有其自己的一整套障礙和反模式需要克服,本講座將提供您所需的清單,以微調應用程序的實時性能。



  1. I was expecting a talk about high performance, but it was a general overview of the technology and almost nothing about how to achieve high performance.

  2. it seen waste time. not working bro. i write what u tell and test. noting happen. also u r not teling where u include server, server_websocket.js , u r caling they from where? i will feel happy in someone share a simple file which working well. thank you

  3. Thanks for a nice overview, in your description however you mention Battery life and optimizing long lived sessions. I did not see that addressed in your video and that's how I found your video. I need to setup a real-time data push to a few dozen mobile devices running android and chrome and push data to them as soon as there are data changes. But I also need them to last as long as possible before they require battery swaps. Can you please go over best practices for doing real-time (or close to real time) data push to multiple connected mobile clients while conserving their battery power as much as possible.

  4. This is a very useful overview of a technology which is has not been described very well from a broader implementation perspective online. We see plenty of dense, technical documentation about WebSockets and lots of tiny code examples which do not give any real context whatsoever. In fact, what I really liked about this talk was that it showed me that I don't actually need WebSockets for my project, even though I have hacked something together and it's working, my approach to using them was skin-deep (because of the poor examples online) and shakey, and it would actually be more appropriate for me to use server-sent events instead. This video really helped me to see the broader requirements and I am very grateful for this talk, Wesley. Thank you!

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