如何越獄iOS 11-11.4(無計算機) Unc0ver越獄iOS 11.4-11.3.1

新越獄iOS 11-11.4 b3(無計算機)| Unc0ver越獄iOS 11.4,iOS 11-11.3.1-11.4 beta 3

在伊萊克特拉(Electra)越獄版本發布後的幾個月,我們獲得了一個經過優化的全新全新越獄,稱為Unc0ver。它適用于越獄11.4 beta 3及更低版本。

安裝iOS 11-11.4越獄:
Unc0ver Github(下載.ipa):https://github.com/pwn20wndstuff/Undecimus



感謝@ pwn20wnd和@sbingner!






▶️在iOS 12上節省電池壽命(20多個提示):https://youtu.be/ph6OCuelGAo

▶iOS 12中的️Siri快捷方式(教程):https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLC-j9MJHTD_GKUTb6bZ8wGQcXoxXNamSj


▶️iPhoneXS Max與Galaxy Note 9 SPEED測試-您可能會感到驚訝:https://youtu.be/i_vlxL8-Y2E

▶️RIPiPhone X-為什麼我們會錯過它:https://youtu.be/F-HP72NvEGI



▶️LOADED2017 iMac 27英寸5K拆箱&評測:https://youtu.be/wPcL05YCWdY



▬保持最新! ▬




#越獄#Unc0ver #Cydia。

  1. You talk too damn much just show me the shit..this trash bums method doesnt work either he has a bunch of links that just link you to him talking even more no download links at all

  2. it says "unable to exploit kernel, reboot your device and try again." i rebooted it but it does not work..
    i tested this on my iPad Air 2 iOS 11.0.3, pretty weird..

  3. have a ipad pro with 11.3.1 ios. It had Electra jailbreak, but it no longer worked, so I deleted it and installed Unc0ver jailbreak. The cydia is not working (the old one) never deleted from my ipad and when I got unc0ver cydia  on the ipad but has many errors and will not allow me to download anything from it. do you have any suggestions? thanks

  4. When I go on to unc0ver, for the blue button it says unsupported and idk what that means and it would help if someone can help me fix this problem (instead of jailbreak it』s says unsupported) help?

  5. Informative, thanks!

    ‪Kindly Help please: all this time Electra tethered has been working fine (except the occasional reinject due to it became untrusted device), but now Ive accidentally use unc0ver (i may have restorerootfs?) and when I jailbroke by Electra, my tweaks doesnt show? What does restorerootfs mean? Please advice what to do next ????‬

  6. I deleted uncover because I was in a resping loop tried everything I disabled reload system demons and still in a loop now I saw someone say I can just delete uncover and reinstall it from tweakbox but only the icon shows but it』s not downloading! What should I do?

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