
演員:阿諾德·施瓦辛格(Arnold Schwarzenegger),雷·黎明(Rae Dawn Chong),丹·赫達亞(Dan Hedaya)#MoviePredictor #trailer #BestMovie。

  1. When men were real men and when movies were great movies nowadays everything is garbage and shit actors movies music the way people think I mean everything.

  2. Anyone come here after the recent rerelease of the Seiko arnie watch which is now on sale.

    And WHAT a film. Great one liners with a great splash of tongue in cheek humour.

    I wish they still did films like this.

  3. A super fun movie – i dont know what you think you know "spoilers" but you will be ok if you watch this.
    It's so fun that's why!

  4. Loved the film apart from bad guy Bennett's character. Arnie wastes scores of guys but struggles with an out of shape old guy. Should have cast a more menacing character dam good film though

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