冠狀病毒:與英國警察一起實施社會隔離的道路上-BBC Newsnight





詹姆斯·克萊頓(James Clayton)報道,埃文·麥特利斯(Emily Maitlis)和雅芳(Avon)和薩默塞特警察局(Somerset Constabulary)的首席警察安迪·馬什(Andy Marsh)以及《觀察家》的尼克·科恩(Nick Cohen)和時代的芬克爾斯坦(Lord Finkelstein)也加入了會議。




  1. Ultimately the police can only enforce laws. And the Coronavirus bill doesn』t actually ban people from driving anywhere, or walking their dog, etc. Government guidance is NOT law. Police need to understand they are law enforcement, not guideline enforcement. And simply encourage common sense on an individual basis and within the law.

  2. It』s a bloody disgrace. We have hospitals empty with no out patients so people will be dying yet where are all the thousands of bodies. It』s a load of bullshite and you』ve lost all your liberties and the police love being even more like gestapo. There are even private parking people driving and walking around ticketing people who can』t drive their cars so if they are essential workers so is everyone else

  3. Sad that only now the government says there should be no homeless on the streets …. so means they could have always housed them but chose not to … disgusting… Boris is a disgrace !!!!

  4. I think we should be allowed to go for a drive as long as you're not driving absolutely miles away. Also it's not good to underuse your car either and only stick to short journeys for when you do eventually use it 3 weeks later etc for "essential travel" not good for your battery, potential disc rust that could turn into pitting etc and just generally parts more likely to seize from underuse if this lockdown lasts for more than 3 weeks. I think we should actually be encouraged to use our cars somewhat as long as we aren't going on a cross country road trip. Keep from going on long stretches on main roads but make sure you get a good run in and around your area somewhat frequently

  5. So if your in a car yourself how are you spreading a virus. Must be better to drive than to walk down a street spreading a virus to people you pass ????

  6. Instead of using drones for watching. Why not use drones to disinfect areas? Surely people would find that a better, understandable use of them? Lol

    No one wants to be watched.

  7. The police do a great job. Being strict about controlling people』s movement and press enabled Wuhan to get on top of the infection. Complainers about civil liberties are the numpties that will spread or get killed by the virus.

  8. No one should be homeless, so they kick him out of his spots and what? He just has to find a shittier spot? If you're not housing him hes still homeless, you just moved him off the heating vent or into a more secluded spot.

    Come now. Open up hotels or something. If you have open hones you shouldnt have homeless.

  9. this dickhead does not even know the law,,, there is NO essential in the law. they are to enforce the law if the LAW is being broken , the are NOT there to enforce morality or what they think we should do in there view, we would prefer them to walk bollocks I will drive when I want there is No law against it. he thinks he is the stasi

  10. Total maddness keep people safe and alive ok so did goverment keep iraqis or Afghans safe and alive in illegal wars I know this is so called British people but they don't give a fuk a out thier own people wither and if they just applied common sense let alone did thier job virus might not of got here even if few cases if they just stopped fkights from China n Italy months ago if not all flights oh so it's ok for police to drive of walk next to each other is it sorry but this is bullshit soneone who gives up thier rights for freedom deserves nither and a big lie is more accepted by ppl tgey a smal one peace

  11. Reporter – " yeah but if they only had one leg and were blind and lost their keys and were walking their dog, would you shoot them?"

  12. The police need to learn the difference between GUIDANCE/RULES AND LAW, the police no power to stop individuals if they are walking their dog or exercising alone

    Coronavirus Act 2020 Section 52.Powers to issue directions relating to events, gatherings and premises doesn't apply to someone walking their dog

  13. Nothing like that in Penge, London. Police does fuck all as usual. No gloves, no masks, not doing their job. Some coughing men were urinating by my flat and police was walking by and did nothing. Totally ignored the problem. Absolutely disgusted by the Law nowadays. Definitely don't feel safe.

  14. Police are disgusting their attitude towards the homeless! That woman "but government says all homeless people need to be homed" seriously, does she think that is logical, who cares what the government thinks, clearly they don't think about these things so why are you following the government like sheep, use your brain.
    Bad attitude towards the homeless, police should have compassion for people, you are supposed to protect people from distress, not cause it.

  15. Numerous members of the public have already proven that they cannot be told or advised on best practice, which is why more proactive policing is necessary to combat those that flout the rules and are actively risking spreading the virus further. We were 'advised' to stay indoors, people ignored it. So that's what we get – stupid people not playing their part getting a bollocking by police, and rightly so. Most of us are sensible – a lot of us aren't. The police are there nipping their stupidity in the bud as best they can. It's not exactly authoritarian because it's for ensuring our health and healthcare infrastructure are not destroyed.

  16. What a joke ? even police getting screwed, they don't even have face masks, government doesn't discriminate with not giving enough shits, before coronavirus they already had fucked the NHS by underfunding it and even the police were screwed way before this, and the whole helping everyone out who can't currently work due to this virus universal credit is impossible to get, we're left to die, there's probably over a million people waiting to get help and it's not happening, I been waiting since last week, and you have to ring to book an appointment, maybe in a few weeks I will get through, but how are they supposed to interview these million people, it's litheally impossible

  17. the 2meter apart from each other does not apply to the police and what is the point of that dust mask behind his head he has not worn it once must be for show

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