
現在是時候仔細看一下Nintendo Switch並回答問題了:您是否從控制台中獲得最大收益?當然,混合控制台可讓您立即連接到電視或轉到攜帶型設備,但是您知道控制台提供的所有其他秘密元素嗎?

Joy-Con是一種創新的開關控制器,其功能遠遠超出您的想像。曾經失去過Joy-Con嗎?好吧,關於如何再次找到它,我們有一個巨大的秘密。是否曾經想過在其他設備上使用Joy-Con控制器?好吧,我們有您的解決方案!關於Nintendo Switch的內容有很多。希望您可以像《星球大戰》光劍一樣使用控制器嗎?我們知道!星球大戰(Star Wars)新遊戲的潛力已被釋放,您可以在以後的遊戲中做更多的事情。如果您擁有多個遊戲機,請學習如何交換遊戲,甚至與他人共享數字遊戲。跟隨我們的視頻,我們將指導您完成所有操作-無需黑客或修改程序。

任天堂的世界尚未與其他許多公司跨越,但是有一種很棒的方法可以將索尼和任天堂設備連接起來,以提供令人難以置信的觀看體驗!相信我們,這種創新的觀點與LABO VR截然不同。

因此,當我們通過Nintendo Switch探索所有細節時,請加入TheGamer。與您的遊戲玩家朋友分享這些技巧,並了解如何永久更改Switch的視圖。


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  1. I tried to do the primary secondary things with two profiles with animal crossing it』ll let both profiles play the game but not let them perform local or online play with each other

  2. My grandpa was about to die in the next ten minutes and he had a switch and he wanted to know more than me about it before he died then when he told me what he learned I literally new every thing and I could have actually spent time with him before he died

  3. Wow I didn't know that I could slide my Joy-Con off of my Nintendo Switch whilst playing GTA V. Thanks you for the information!

  4. I always play hide n』 seek with my joycons!? just tell your mom to hide your joycons go to the thing where they can vibrate aaaandd voila! Now you have someone to play hide n』 seek together with

  5. Playstation vrs incredible display? Lolololololololololololololololololllloloollolooooololololoolll

  6. There』s more to it you can』t just connect your joy cons to your phone with Bluetooth you need a app on the phone for that and I don』t know witch app that is?

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