
國王萬歲。觀看Marvel Studios #BlackPanther的新預告片。 2月16日上映! ►訂閱Marvel:http://bit.ly/WeO3YJ

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  1. Hopefully, Black Panther II won't suck as this one does! It earned money only because people, including critics, are too scared to say bad things about it because everybody would assume that they are racists. It came out at just the right time when Hollywood tried to prove/pretend that they are not. But overall it was a terrible origin story, it was boringly predictable and character development was terrible. I really do hope that the second part will have a way better plotline.

  2. No hate but the trailer is much better than the actual movie. I love marvel but they did him wrong with that movie. It could have been made so much better

  3. As far as hype trailers for a intro/origin story to a Superhero. Black Panter is at the top. Not because it's a Black trailer, but because the action and the music complimented the trailer perfectly. The music literally had you hyped to see the movie at the end of the trailer.

    Come on people let's NOT make this about color, FYI Winter Soldier is in my top 3 greatest Marvel movies.

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