
這就是您需要了解索尼的Playstation 5如何計劃接管微軟的Xbox系列X的一切!從專利泄漏,更新和新的內部信息到PS5的VR策略-為下一代遊戲做好準備!


索尼已準備好在2020年繼續憑藉PlayStation 5繼續在遊戲機領域佔據主導地位,而他們的秘密武器可能會以虛擬現實(尤其是PSVR)的形式出現。沒錯,不是PS5背後的驚人規格或所有令人難以置信的獨家產品,它們可以使遊戲機超越Xbox Series X,而PSVR可以使索尼在與微軟的無休止的遊戲大戰中大為不同。但是,現在還不能算出Xbox SeriesX。儘管微軟可能不會在虛擬現實大戰中a狗,但他們擁有自己的秘密武器,可能會扭轉局勢。

PSVR取得了巨大的成功。許多遊戲玩家一開始認為它是一個頭,但這種頭已成為Sony的搖錢樹,在短短4年內使該公司賺了數億美元。索尼幾乎擁有虛擬現實市場,擁有許多獨家遊戲,而微軟甚至沒有VR頭盔。 HoloLens 2非常昂貴,比虛擬現實更像是混合現實或增強現實,因此不算在內。 PSVR是否比Xbox Play Anywhere更強大的秘密武器?只有時間會給出答案。


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  1. Oculus is owned by Facebook. If I ever give it a try, the Oculus is an automatic no go. I have very little interest in VR overall. I would prefer Sony invest in a new portable.

  2. I tried my friends original rift, then got convinced by a couple of biased reviews that the psvr was just as good ! I bought one and immediately returned it as it's resolution was just terrible in comparison. I still don't have a decent vr as I can't afford a powerful pc and a top notch vr. I hope Sony hugely increases the resolution with the psvr2.

  3. im going with xbox this time dont like to have microtransactions in my single player games you know the grind is gonna be there just so they can offer a solution that will cost you

  4. the psvr headset is nice…. better specs would make it great…however those dang hand controls SUCK!! especially when compared to oculus

  5. When Microsoft finally makes their own VR headset it will be something revolutionary probably. It's just been information gathering and competition learning so far. That's why one should never mock or tease a strong rival about something yet to see from them. Because when the time comes they've seen all the mistakes, improvements, tweaks etc from each competitor to study and learn from and make something perfected and mindblowing right out the gate. Time will tell…

  6. People are so DESPERATE to get hits on their videos and make up anything they can use the words PS5 or PlayStation 5. It's hilarious.
    The truth is NO ONE will know anything until SONY themselves are ready. Then you can all leech off that.

  7. Damn, wish they didn't fail the vita. Could've made better improvements starting off with more triple AAA games, better costs and opportunity to to be able to perform cloud based as well.

  8. 110 million is software sales for an install base of 5 million headsets is a horrible attach rate. 22 dollars in software per headset.

    Microsoft probably haven't developed VR on the Xbox because it's a tiny market.

  9. Pfft! Sony is just jealous that they dont have the WORLDS MOST POWERFUL CONSOLE! They aslo dont have a successful game streaming service, real backwards compatibility, and REAL 4K! The PS4 has simulated 4K. Not TRUE 4K like Xbox One X had.

  10. What the actual deuce…
    Sony cannot overtake Xbox when Sony has been blowing Microsoft out of the water for years.. and consistently too.
    I hate these video bloggers with absolutely ZERO knowledge.
    Bunch of teenies who play fortnite.

  11. I really don』t see how Sony is going build a ps5 that』s better than Xbox at this point Xbox is taking over and I do love Sony ps but they are falling behind 13 teraflops is not going to make the ps5 better on less they have some new secret to really make it better

  12. Sony has to be careful to not bundle the two together like Microsoft did with the Kinect. Otherwise, it』s a portion of the audience that could be valuable, but not necessarily a console war winner.

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