LAYTON’S MYSTERY JOURNEY™:Katrielle和百萬富翁'陰謀預告片

自雷頓教授(Layton™)和好奇村(Curious Village)發布以來的十年中,…
Layton Series™吸引了來自世界各地的益智遊戲迷。







支持的平台:iOS / Android / Nintendo 3DS

©LEVEL-5 Inc.。

  1. Just finished this game on the 3DS (the 7th Layton one I've bought and completed) and I really hope they follow this up with more. The voice actors that played Katrielle, Sherl and Ernest did a fantastic job and overall the writing was great and laugh out funny at times. I highly recommend this game and want to say thank you to involved in making it. Level 5 are an amazing company. I hope they keep up the great work, as long as they keep making games like this that have a lot of heart, I'll be here to support. <3

  2. i personally find the lack of intensity in the trailer a bit tragic, as arguably the biggest selling point of the layton games was in fact the mystery surrounding certain aspects of the story, and as for the puzzles, they demand less manual input than mental solving. My opinion is that this trailer relies less on these factors and more on the comedic element of things. I trust Level 5 to produce yet another masterpiece regardless, but having played through the full series (including PLVPW) I can't express my disappointment that the main man himself won't be featuring.

  3. At least they dropped that shitty Layton mobile game that pretty much had absolutely nothing to do with professor Layton

  4. well the trailers rather sh*t but if the game goes on mobiles as well, it cant possibly be that great as the old ones …. I'd rather have Luke then the girl with a magical talking dog ….

  5. So are most you guys purchasing the game tomorrow on mobile or waiting until the 3ds fall release? Just curious what layton fans think cause I'm probably going to purchase both (to support the physical release)

  6. I'm super excited! But the fact that I didn't even know about this English trailer until 10 days after it came out has me worried that they won't market it enough 🙁

  7. why Japanese keep making Caucasian protagonist? and why is she look like serena from pokemon? and why is her character personality look like Conan?

  8. I'd love another 2 games to go along with this first game with Kat as the main role, but then 3 more "Prequel" games with the Prof and Kat together showing how (Hopefully) Hershel rescues Claire and Claire is Kats mother – that would be the perfect scenario for the series as it gives us a break from the characters we all know and love and then hits us with the feels in a few years and links everything perfectly together. I love Layton.

  9. New music mixing it up nicely. The fat woman at the mansion steps, that has to be a nod to the Barron with his mansion steps. Animation is very nice, parrot in a murder case type scene, Layton vs phoenix wright anyone? I'm so excited for this, I truly believe in level 5 to make one to smash the other games out of the park and hit me with the nostalgia.

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