我從Gametop購買了「翻新」的Nintendo Switch-這是我發現的東西

我從Gamestop購買了「翻新」的Nintendo Switch-這是我發現的東西-在打開盒子之前,我發現那裡的東西很鬆散,所以我有點擔心。但是,一旦我打開盒子,我看到的只是歡樂的缺點。 Switch本身已安全包裝。總體而言,joy cons和Switch的外部條件良好。屏幕上基本上沒有劃痕;儘管Switch的背面已打磨以去除一些深層劃痕。交換機內部有一些粘性液體,但幸運的是,它不在任何板上。我以259美元的價格從GameStop購買了「翻新的」 Switch,這並不是什麼了不起的交易,因為新的Switch只需多出40美元,但此Switch的狀態良好且功能齊全。

#tronicsfix #gamestop#翻新


訂閱:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfOrKQtC1tDfGf_fFVb8pYw?sub_confirmation = 1

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-PH00 Phillips:http://amzn.to/2g6d5nO


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關於此視頻:在此視頻中,我正在檢查我從GameStop購買的「翻新」 Nintendo Switch。儘管包裝並不理想,但一切都處於良好狀態,並按應有的方式工作。交換機內部有一些液體,但幸運的是沒有在任何電氣組件上。我仍然不喜歡他們用砂紙打磨外殼以清除劃痕,但是任何東西都沒有嚴重問題。

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Milton Freewater,或97862。

  1. Dude, you lucked out. I just bought ordered an Xbox One S from Gamestop before this quarantine started, and it's in horrible condition. The console and controller both look beat to hell for starters and the controller has such bad drift the system is unplayable. Not to mention, the fan coughed out a ridiculous amount of cigarette smoke the first time I turned it on. I'm not happy at all.

  2. I just got a 2ds refurbished from GameStop and I』m super disappointed the volume doesn』t work and one of the buttons on the face doesn』t even work I』m super pissed I』m never purchasing from GameStop again I hope they go under soon

  3. I got a refurbed psvr v1 and it was still practically new. Small amount of dust on the lenses and still had all labels on it. I got lucky

  4. I don』t how or why but my switch got 4 small dents on the left side on the switch it』s on the black side of the switch so it doesn』t bother me as much but that dock just scratches the switch so bad I had bought a screen protector

  5. Just curious, when you repair a Switch and sell it, what do you sell it for?
    It seems odd to me that you would make it a point to say that you would never buy refurbished, when that's part of your business.

  6. They should sell the refurbished switch for 100 bucks cheaper 40 is like a slap in the face but if they did that then it would be cheaper to buy the new system rather than paying for the extra joycons/screen seperately

  7. These type of videos are the most unimaginative pieces of content out there. It』s on unboxtherapy levels of bad and uncreative. Majority of tech and gaming channels where it』s some dude in front of a camera who talks about things they bought on amazon.

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