VALHALLA Trailer(2020)奇幻電影

VALHALLA Trailer(2020)奇幻電影
分級為4 +©2020-Madman Films。

  1. So, years ago I was a medieval reenactor with an interest in Viking Age Scotland. I was in warband named the 'Ormsvikingr', named after the shield of our leader who had a linnorm as his heraldry. I think we all memorized 'The 13th Warrior'… it was our 'training movie' to a large extent. It was a bad movie from a historical standpoint, but it was gloriously bad, and we loved it.
    And now we have the sagas getting something very close to the 'Lord of the Rings' treatment… a bigger budget that I've seen mythological movie get in a long time and it appears that the filmmaker has a love and respect for the source material.
    So I think I'm gonna love this one too ? And hey, at least it's not Kirk Douglass screaming 'OH-DAAAAN!' fifteen times in the movie…

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