生化危機3-發射拖車| PS4



《生化危機3》現已在PS4上推出,其中包括《生化危機抵抗》!與吉爾·瓦倫丁(Jill Valentine)在《生化危機3》中從浣熊市逃走的最後一次逃亡,並與其他四名倖存者奮戰,以逃避策劃者在生化危機抵抗中險惡的實驗中逃脫。 。

  1. As an RE fan I am still going to buy and play this game but after learning about its literal shortcomings I will be waiting til it's at least around 35% off.

  2. Im playing it and too many scenaries taken from the 2nd… it's not bad but I aspected something "new" in locations and others

  3. What a time to be a gamer who grew up in the 90』s. The best Resident Evils and Final Fantasy 7 has been remade. Keep it coming Capcom and Square. Parasite Eve, Resident Evil Code Veronica and Final Fantasy 8/9 remake next please and thank you.

  4. This game didn't need a multiplayer mode at all I think it ruins the feel of the game

    I have the feeling capcom are going for the arcade style like previous resident evil games (RE5 and 6)

    I just have that bad feeling… They are going backwards again

  5. I just beat it, it's a fun ride but it does have quite a few problems. Not worth $60 at all, would recommend others to wait for a price cut to like 30 or 40 dollars

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