流電視Netflix Hulu Amazon Primve Video Roku的互聯網速度要求

您需要多長時間才能連接Netflix,Hulu,Amazon Prime Video,YouTube或任何其他電視和電影節目提供商?



如果不升級到更昂貴的服務,則對於大多數住宅互聯網連接而言,4K Ultra Definition可能無法應付。由於4K編程非常有限,因此您可能不希望為這麼少的內容支付額外的費用。

根據Netflix網站,每個高清流需要降低5 Mbps,這意味著如果您想一次流兩個高清流,則需要10 Mbps。
720p HD:3 Mbps
1080p高清:6 Mbps
4K超高清:13 Mbps
因此,如果您想在Hulu上同時傳輸兩個1080p流,則需要降低12 Mbps。
首先,我們進行了速度測試,以了解我們的下載速率和ping是什麼。 Ping是一個不錯的66毫秒(任何低於100的時間都被認為是不錯的)。下載速度為5.25Mps,低於我們在Frontier DSL連接上要支付的6 Mps。
6 Mps的速度足以滿足該家庭對高清視頻流的需求。由於沒有進行任何遊戲連接,因此我們無法評論這些帶寬需求。我們唯一遇到問題的時間是當我們嘗試觀看效果不佳的4K流時。緩衝比我們想處理的要多,因此我們放棄了該實驗。 HD符合要求。
如果您確實在較低速度(6-10 Mps)下遇到問題,則可以在設備上進行一些測試,以確保那裡沒有瓶頸。
運行速度測試將告訴您下載速度有多快以及連接的延遲(ping)是多少。 Ping以毫秒為單位,確定您是否已連接以及機器與提供商之間的響應時間。 100ms以下的任何時間都被認為是好的。
如果您的下載速度數字不符合您的期望,請通過電纜直接連接到數據機,看看速度是否有所不同。 。

  1. If you live in civilization then chances are you will be fine since most ISPs don't have anything below 20 anymore.

  2. Thanks I appreciate the help , I'm moving to Baker Oregon , a little town in the middle of nowhere and 30Mbps is teh best quote people can give Me , Is 30Mbps the kind of speeds You get from a Cable Modem or from DSL Phone Lines . I watch YouTube videos all day , it seems that by Your video , that I can watch YT How To videos all day at 30Mbps . Thanks You've alleviated My worries about having to move to a small town and only having 30Mbps to commmunicate with , I love watching Live Streams of video games like 7 Days To Die , it's a really Good Community of People that gather around that game and I can still see them if I move to a remote part of USA and I'm Hoping that I can still watch and communicate with Them when I move way out there 🙂 . THanks for this Video , You've Alleviated some of My Worries about moving to a small town 🙂

  3. I have spectrum internet and I get 30 mbps, I max out at 37mbps with an upload of about 5mbps for about $25 a month under the assist program and I have got no complaints. Streaming works just fine for me.

  4. We're stuck with Viasat (satellite) internet. We have no other option. Speeds range up to about 13 Mpbs to about 5 P.M. and go down below 1 down after 8 P.M.. We have times in the evening when we can't even get 200 kbps down. We can usually watch Youtube videos with no buffering. The problem is with Roku, Sling, and internet TV. That's a buffering nightmare.

  5. Yeah you're getting 2.6 megabytes per second downloads and you needed at least five megabytes per secondaccording to your little short you going off of what Netflix gets out or whatever for the streamy the megabytes per second for the internet usageif you're only getting 2.26 megabytes year a little under half of what you should have give or take a few without you know without doing the math estimation so I don't see how that's good that's not streaming on your phoneon all kinds of different things through the internet internet apps everything even though. That's made for phones it still ends up buffering or not working or it takes forever to download something like you download the movie paid for whatever they say you got download whatever it takes from 8 in the morning till 8 at night sometimes especially with metro PCyeah they they're their plans for getting you wanted good but after you become a customer you don't mean s*** to them right away they first open that bought a brand new phone was like 400 and some bucks 2 daysand I like the phone nothing but I didn't like it cuz it was like skinnier to Holdenthe normal phones cuz of screens longer up and down and width Wise it's skinnier and it's really slippery had to get a case to hold it and everything I play games that need Swift the screen has a slight delay reaction when I think it's because due to the shape the screen isit's going to get the new what I think it's the S10 the estimated something like that the one that came out recently like last year came out sometime last year basically get my refund and then by after I'm under their limit for usage everything's fine not stop me from being able to return my phone after two days under allafter your customer they have a certain Grace. We can get like 40 $60 off your next phone if you if you buy one if you ever buy a phone from metro PCyou're not eligible for the refund unless you paycall it like a switch over something like that you have to change your number and to do that you have to buy SIM card from them their SIM card to so to get a refund on the second phone you by their they don't give you nothing if you want to keep your number you can never buy another phone do use that phone the whole time or do you have to change your number to get be able forthe money back guarantee after certain amount of days and if you're under certain usage in time talk you have to be under certain usage and time talk the box all that stuff you you have to be under certain internetplus you can't keep your number you have to pay as if you were in brand new customer paying walking into paying for itthe SIM card for fifteen bucks to activate and then you'll have that that's why you'll have a different number you can't carry your number over or you don't get the opportunity to say you take your phone home and all the sudden the screen dies on you you have no warrantyif you if you think if your phone comes with an eligibility to sign up for the hardware you might might get a warranty refund from that as in say I paid 4 and fifty bucks the guy mentioned the highest I get if I did sign up for that warranty and had it a hundred bucks at the most for 2 days take back on theI'm just trying to distract me with talking things piss me offjust a warning if you think about going to metro PC to go somewhere else there internet is crap too and you say you get 5gb to internet with everything else included if you want to gigabytes more to it's $5 a pop can you imagine pain 4 gigabytes of internet speed the speed is in gigabytes megabytes in kilograms of kilobytes sees me that kilograms and so ispeople that don't know ever heard when the first using it thank automatically that it is t think it's the internet speedfor what it is is how much internet you can use per gigabyte once you get to that certain level that's how you're not connected to the internet anymore until you pay for hotspot

  6. Great, thank you! I hate spectrum… I pay 75/mo for my internet, @25 mpbs. They charge 125 for 100 mpbs. ..I'm all set

  7. first off I will not go into the wrong things you misunderstand. but what I do want to tell people is how your internet provider is acutly scamming you and doing illegal things. see if you are paying for 5mb service say then your provider under law should be providing you that speed regardless of how many devices they all should get that speed but instead they limit you fooling you into thinking well you are using 5mb on one computer this is no more left for the other well that's not true that's the speed not the band with band with is how much can be dun at that speed before it slows. also providers fool you wil speed test when you do a normal speed test they see that and its a small file down load that is running so they speed things up but if you did a large speed test and watched the speed it would go down showing the real speed. see things are changing tho and like now days over a year lator from this video providers are starting to give the correct speeds in fact providers like recstom I mean spectrum are telling you you get 200 service but you are realy getting 300 its just they no that distance and equipment along with other things slows service so to make shure you get what you are told you are paying fore they up the speed. but the truth is even with that they tell you are are paying for the 200 service but you are actuly paying for 300. and do not be fooled people when they say they do not offer slower speeds it not true they just do not advertise them

  8. I』ve worked in the cable internet service for 15 years and to be honest you can get by with dsl to stream. I felt horrible lying to customers telling them they need 100 mbps or higher in order to stream. Once I left the cable business I switched back to dsl. It』s much more affordable and because it』s not high demand you can easily negotiate the price if your bill increases.

  9. Thank you for the fine video Sir! I have a friend who had been poaching the neighbor's internet, and it went away. I had him get the cheapest Comcast internet in our area, 35Mb since he only has one PC , a couple phones, and no gaming. I had him buy his own Motorola DOCSIS 3.0 modem for $40, rather than renting one from Comcast, and I gave him a nice 802.11n router I had laying around. Hopefully he will be pleased on the cheap. His house is small, so his WiFi coverage should be fine. The Comcast tech doing the install was trying to say a dual band AC router was required for his 35Mbs speed..:) Oh, and I like speedof.me a lot more than speedtest.net. And who cares about MB, Mbps, blah whatever. Everyone knows what you are talking about.

  10. My comments were serious and I was overlooking the simple error you made. You really got pounced on. But getting back on point I am possibly moving to a rural area with a totally backward internet service setup. An antenna? With 10 Mbits. I get over 100 Mbits here.But it is looking like it is time to start a used BluRay collection. I am really hoping I can view Amazon Prime, Hulu and Netflix at least. I am not going the sattelite route. Thank you for you video. You make one honest mistake and you think you are done. But keep doing videos. Start all over if you have to. I was careful in my comments before not to insult you. I was a teacher and when the students caught a mistake they were ruthless. SAD TO SEE SO MANY BAD and uncool comments? Are you all math gurus? Or just perfect people?

  11. Thanks for the video. I hate to say this, but you've loss all credibility when you made the biggest beginner mistake since the invention of networking for the home PC. Since, you are not suppose to be a beginner that makes it worse. It's been over a couple of decades now since the PC and the ability of having them network connected to the internet. The terminology of "bps" is "bits per seconds". But throughout the video you called it "bytes per seconds". The fundamentals of computing is the "bit" and the "byte". A byte is equal to 8 bits. This is like saying a foot is equal to 12 inches. The lower case "b" in "bps" is used to refer to bits. The upper case "B" is often use to refer to a byte. For example, 8 Mbps vs. 8MBps. In networking, the network bandwidth is expressed in bits per second (bps). In file transfers, it's often expressed in Bytes per second (Bps). Why? Do we express ourselves as driving 316,800 ft per hour instead of 60mph?

  12. During peak times or for real popular movies & videos, streaming providers may compress the crap out of their streams, or if they detect your connection is unstable or slow, they may send you a more compressed stream… they may even stream you 360-480p to save bandwidth, although they say it's a 720p stream.

    A highly compressed 720p or 1080p may actually look worse than a 480p stream that's not compressed as much. So if it's peak times, a popular stream, or your speed isn't good, toggle to 480p. All too often you may notice no or very little picture quality between the 720p & 480p stream, with the 480p stream sometimes looking better.

    If you're just watching a comedy or drama with very little dazzling video in the show, viewing in 360p may even look good enough.

    Normally the science says the higher resolution, the better the picture. But in a stream, if the higher resolutions of popular stuff, or during peak times are the most compressed, the lower resolution will look just as good, almost as good, or sometimes better, because they don't have to compress them as much.

    They like to sell you big numbers like 720p, 1080p, or 4k, but that may not be what they're actually sending you, or the compression is so high, it's not very good quality video.

    I have detected Netflix & others sending around 360×800 video saying it's 720p. So by selecting 480p, you'd get about 480x900p… a little better picture & resolution.

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