加快計划進度的3件事。為什麼SH * T是級數?


  1. Nice legs 🙂 No wonder one-arm pull-ups + planche work that well 🙂 The goal should be a well balanced strength & flexibility balanced body. Not so much extreme skill like-hunting exercises 😉

  2. Who gives a fuck about legs size??? I'd rather have small legs and being able to control my whole upper body than to just squat or deadlift. This is Calisthenics right here and not some powerlifting or a bodybuilding sport.

  3. It』s not at all like doing pullups to increase dips reps. When doing pullups you work nothing that is working when you do dips maybe some lats If you do a variation of dips but when you do the tuck planche you are building that core strength, that strength in the arms for holding up your body and practicing that hollow back position. All of theese are also implemented on the final planche and the straddle planche.

    Be careful to not say stupid stuff like this to such an big audience, this is just advice. Good luck

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