EVE在線-Eclipse Quadrant 2預告片

EVE Online的Quadrant 2被稱為Eclipse,它的到來迫在眉睫!從4月6日開始,整個主題將圍繞改變……的力量平衡。

  1. I love the idea of this game. I』ve tried multiple times over the years to get into it… its just so damn boring. I appreciate the trailers though.

  2. 0:52 CONCORD flying around, still doing absolutely nothing about the Trigs. Your punitive tax increases doing absolutely nothing positive.

    Before anyone gets excited about this trailer, remember when CCP showed us player stations fire dozens and dozens of weapons in defense, and then in-game you get three? The only thing I got from this trailer is that, once again, CCP is going to punish HiSec for Null being so lucrative.

  3. While I think that fighting on planets and stations would be awesome, I don't know how they would do it in a way that made everyone happy. There are so many worlds and station types to design for. Despite that hurdle, if half of the playerbase is spread out across multiple planets walking around, there would be little action in space where most of the content is. Sounds like Star Wars: Battlefront II is still best if you really want space combat AND planet stuff.

  4. Your freaking triglavian space elves burrowed once the greatest MMO deeper than hell. Stop This Shit. Get back to classic plot instead of this cheap graphomania. Get back to SCIENCE Fiction damn you.

  5. ЧТО ПОКАЗАЛИ ТО? Нарезку из игры и проход CGI модельки… Сценарий 0 из 5, реализация 0 из 5. Режиссер – убейся о стену. Колхоз.

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