PS5和Xbox Series X可能會使PC遊戲無關緊要(暫時)


Xbox Series X和PlayStation 5的規格對於主機來說非常令人印象深刻。運動型Zen 2處理器和12 Teraflop計算性能的圖形晶元,它們甚至可以將功能最強大的遊戲PC發揮作用。他們(至少在一開始)是否會使遊戲PC變得無關緊要?訂閱ReviewTechUSA。


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  1. This is where Series X power advantage marketing fails hard. You can take advantage of dumb console gamers with 12 tflops but not PC. PC guys already debunking those 12 tflops and actually prefer 10tflops with faster SSD.

  2. The series x is not one console but several, the next gen Fox's according to Microsoft are just xbox, pretty sure all the reports of a low end model are all correct due to Spencer saying play anywhere, streaming and game pass are all being utilised to have is play our games on any low end device.

  3. I would love to see a console with pluggable modules for processor, RAM, disk, etc. That way you can buy in low and upgrade over time if you wish … And if hte fom factor stays the same, you could have that console for 3-4 years and merely buy upgrade modules as they get released … I'm sure there are probably 1000 reasons this would not work but it's just a thought …

  4. The next gen consoles are cheaper than a better PC, but are they cheaper when xbox release the same console 4 times like they did with the xbox one
    and then you idiots purchased all 4 "version" of the xbox one….. your worse than Iphone users. add up 4 xbox ones and see what kind of a pc you could have for that money.
    that pc would still be more meta than this new wave of consoles that are coming.
    transcend to the pc master race and leave behind your console peasantry.

  5. What if they add keyboard and mouse support to playstation and XBOX (LIke they did with the new cod) we would have crossplay and you would be put with matched with players on the same input device. It's a good idea in my opinion.

  6. Best hardware, check
    best performance, check
    advanced graphic options, check
    most versatility, check
    streaming while playing, check
    chatting while streaming, check
    cheaper games on sale, check
    more storage, check
    multi monitor set up, check
    pc exclusives, check
    biggest game pool, check
    bad ports of console games, because companies optimize only for the weakest system, check.

  7. I've been debating whether or not to build a PC. After the specs were revealed for the Xbox Series X, I'm going to save some money and just buy that.

  8. Rich was talking about the price, comparable to PC and specs.
    We have more choices in the way we play our favourite games.
    So it's a win win situation

  9. Personally, I do not believe every person that prefers to play on PC feels like they need a machine more powerful than consoles. The most popular games in the world run on potatoes. Not to mention tech moves fast.

  10. I don't want either console or PC gaming to be rendered irrelevant. I think both types of gaming have merit (I'm predominantly a console gamer myself, but I am highly interested in the PC gaming scene — now if I could just afford that graphics card!). I also like handheld gaming such as all the various gameboy and DS models and Sony handhelds and would like to see where that goes.
    There is one type of gaming that I want to see become irrelevant, though… MOBILE GAMING!!

  11. I don't think next gen consoles will make PC gaming irrelevant, but will likely raise the cost of entry for the first 3-5 years of the new consoles' shelf lives, effectively suspending BUDGET PC gaming for a while. In other words, if your're willing to spend a thousand dollars or more on a state of the art gaming PC, you'll be good, but you can forget about just sticking a new $300-400 graphics card into an older PC and getting performance equivalent to that of the new consoles, at least for 3-5 years after their initial release.

  12. It wont, tripple A games are dying they get more MTX filled and more boring and tedious each year to make as much $$$ as they possibly can.

    PC has indie games, RTS games, simulator games and hentai games not to mention all the games from the 360 and ps3 era and even older.

    I havent bought a game since red dead 2 and modern warfare, and even those i havent touched since they came out because i am busy with all the other amazing games from all the pc exclusive devs like paradox and illusion not to mention all the older titles not on ps4 or xbox plus all the mods not to mention 144 fps

    Microsoft even has xbox play anywhere so the only reason i would buy a ps5 would be for the exclusives.

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