
使用WP Super Cache提高Wordpress網站的載入速度。高度使用的Wordpress插件可提高您網站的速度。我將向您展示如何安裝WP Super Cache並對其進行配置,以提高網站速度! 。

  1. Thanks boss! Best and quickest way for speeding up your WordPress websites. Had 1 page go from 7 seconds loading time to 1.5 seconds with a 91% page speed score.

  2. I have done an up to date video on the same topic on my channel, however I recommended Fastest Cache over Super Cache – having said that, all of these WP tips are still spot on! Great video! Clear & concise!

  3. Hello, Sir… Its Incredible… Nt' just of this post… Its all about of your speaking sense… I really like your explanation and inspiration… I used to search anything which are of yours… So, I kindly request you to upload videos frequently… Nd mainly about wordpress website… Which i have got inspired from you… Thanks to you for giving us a magnificent knowledge…

  4. I installed this plug in and it through everything out of whack on my site. I'm very much a beginner to this so it's probably conflicted with my theme or template. I uninstalled it and it fixed my site.

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