


  1. I think a "highlander" concept would be cool. Imagine when you kill a boss that is strenght forward and you get his soul you can take it and it increases your strength but imagine if you where doing a castor build and you killed a strength boss you can keep the soul and the next castor style boss you fight you can give him the strength soul which makes him a real badass but when you kill him you get a really strong castor soul to take in.

  2. I』m honestly so dissuaded by RPGs now. Not all of them need to be these extreme skill testers like dark souls can be. I miss it when you could casually enjoy a game, and it』s plot, without having to play 200 hours on one play through.

  3. While I agree with everyone that this has a very Dark Souls like look to it, I also get a medieval Silent Hill kinda feel from it as well. I'm in.

  4. Can anyone please be original. I'm tired of all these games coming out and just copying off from dark souls to make a buck. I'm not going to buy some game that's not original

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