100%急速-懲戒聖騎士PvP-魔獸世界BFA 8.3


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#WoW #BFA#8.3。

  1. All I Gotta say is you』re awesome buddy I don』t know I love it when you go your dad know I guess you』re full health it about killed me buddy wow I totally agree it』s like the process you go through so much believing you』re doing the best you』ve ever done and then stuff like that happens or it』s like a killer like a knife in the side

  2. Way too much haste. Need to sim for damage output and running around corruption wastes time. That said the other team coordinated well. Sometimes you got to know when to fold em.

  3. The story of ret is a funny one.. The class mobility has always been an issue while other melee has something they can consistently do to catch up to their target. The next problem, in my opinion, is damage. Blizz either over tunes ret to the point a guaranteed Nerf is coming OR, more recently, they have to pop every cool down they have just to put a dent in a Target and as much damage mitigation most classes have, good luck with that. And also, ret can be kited to death. In pug bgs ret is ok…but in rated anything…again, good luck. Especially when you have melee classes who can do everything more effectively without the hassle. I love ret but ret does not love me. -All ret players.

  4. WOW! I hope to get where you are at. How do you survive if let's say 3 gank you? Like a mage, dh, and rogue for example. I keep getting sapped and I use my blessing of freedom, sapped again, etc. This is awesome. Right now I can only do 43k dps…

    Although I do have the title Alliance Slayer so I must be doing something right…lol

  5. 「I』ve never been more insecure in my damage」. I hate that feeling when your bursting on someone and there health isn』t moving. ?

  6. This is why I cannot play Paladins. I love them to death, but their mobility is literally 0. Blizzard needs to fix this the dumb fucks, give 40% movement speed on Judgment.

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