


門戶網站教程:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v = oveSskhIEAc

自適應細分/微位移教程:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v = dRzzaRvVDng





  1. Hi, here some clickable timestamps with possible speedup for every tip presented, might be useful for lookup:

    0:00 Future Andrew from 2030
    3:10 Intro
    3:52 #1 Reduce Light bounces (3,8x)
    6:40 #2 Use Portals (1,9x)
    8:47 #3 Switch to GPU (1,5x)
    11:10 #4 Use Optimal Tile Size (6,1x)
    13:11 #5 Reduce Samples (4,0x)
    15:25 #6 Use Dennoising (3,6x)
    17:32 #7 Use latest Blender version (~1,8x GPU;~1,9x CPU)
    18:56 #8 Use different OS (1,6x CPU)
    20:48 #9 Clamp It (1,5x)
    23:23 #10 Turn off Caustics (1,5x)
    25:03 #11 Use Object Instancing (1,7x time;97,1x memory)
    27:49 #12 Use Adaptive Subdivision (1,5x time;3,9x memory)
    29:19 #13 Remove Alpha Transparency (1,8x)
    31:08 #14 Reduce Strand Countz (1,4x)
    32:11 #15 Remove Volumetrics (1,6x)
    33:26 #16 Cut SSS (2,4x)
    35:02 #17 Enable MIS (Multiple Importance Sampling) (2,0x)
    36:45 #18 Small Performance Improvements (few seconds)
    41:10 Summary
    43:54 Assessing a Scene
    46:44 Special Thanks

  2. for some reason light bounces are not affecting my render times at all. i went from 4 on diffuse and glossy and 12 on transparency and transmission to 2 on diffuse and glossy and 4 on transparency and transmission, and render time is basically the same. anyone got any ideas?

  3. I wonder. I am used adaptive subdivision and it used far more ram and killed the performance. On GPU render also the tilesize of 512 led to worse performance. Instead of 5 minutes for a image I needed 13 minutes.

  4. from which country you belong to? I am asking the question because your channel name is blender guru and guru is a indian word but you don't seems to be a indian because of the way you speak. i am confused . tell me

  5. I really need a big help from you, I cannot make the portal light to work. i have been doing google search for awhile now but stil have no answer …. they stated that portal light only work with environment lid … i add environment still nothing!!! i check more about intensity of the environment light node but still nothing happen basically when i put it portal (check) it emit no light at all.

  6. Hi, Andrew. Congratulations for this video.

    Can you tell me if we (the Blender users) can use GPU's to render using the the Blender Render option instead Cycles Render?
    I have no experience making videos with Cycles. I don't know if some object of my project can not be rendered in cycles.
    Best regards! 🙂

  7. So helpful! I just implemented what I could from this and saved about 7 hours on render time. I'm was one of those guys working on outdated Blender, and sampling up to 5,000. *Facepalm*. You should've put "Update Blender Version" at the top of the list and made it like a prerequisite though. I did my update after following the video, then I had to redo all the settings after the update. lol

  8. 18:25 What the people who do this don't think about is that you could also just do all the animating etc. in the version they like most and then switch to the latest version of blender, fix small bugs which occure while transfering, set the right render settings and then save time by animating in the version they like and rendering through a newer version. (This is what i do since i like animating in 2.79 more but the 2.82 renderer is way faster)

  9. there』s dual cpu motherboards, also it』s a useless benchmark to compare an old core i7 and a titan xp, there isn』t a competition and most people don』t have anything close to a titan xp

  10. It's so nice to see someone doing a tutorial without having to edit himself every two sentences because he/she can't talk in front of a camera 🙂

  11. Portal tutorial for some reason became unavailable for me. It was fine when i fist clicked it yesterday but became unavailable when i refreshed the page an hout later. Not working as of now

  12. I don't know man… That grainy noise that cycles makes can sometimes make something look surprisingly beautiful. I'm a fan of it.

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