
希瑟·鮑爾(Heather Bauer)是一位42歲的母親,只有三個孩子,參加了15次馬拉松比賽,在一次家庭聚會上被冠狀病毒感染。五天後,她在醫院裡為自己的生命擔憂。

#CNN #News。

  1. Westport was not on shut down the party happened a week before all of the schools shut down. Many people were still hanging out nobody knew to social distancing no school were shut down the school system or anyone in ct didn』t encourage to quarantine. Nobody in Westport knew to quarantine until the schools shut down.

  2. The world is going to shit and thousands dying and clear and social distancing is introduced, meanwhile Americans are still going to house parties! (And they are still going to church even now!) the country is arrogant, ignorant and in a complete mess. How about working out the one muscle you all seem to forget about: the brain!

  3. In a Time of Uncertainty,
    Facts provides Clarity.

    In a Time of Anxiety,
    Facts Comfort.

    In a Time of Misinformation,
    Facts Correct.

    In a Time of Division,
    Facts Unite.

    In a Time of Crises,
    Facts Matter Most.

    Source: CNN

  4. Coronavirus pandemic:
    I think I'm healthy so I can wim it out
    My friends are find, let's congregate and have a corona.

  5. Every covid-19 "survivor" I've seen interviewed in the MSM, including celebrities, looks great when, just a week or so before, they had (supposedly) been mortally ill with a deadly pathogen. Hmmm…

  6. Repent everyone and turn to Jesus Christ. Time to make your decision for salvation now. Choose Jesus Christ or hell. America turn back to God you have abandoned the faith and committed great sins. Wake up people and believe on the Son of God! Stop turning your ear from this message. I prophesy many shall wake up from this message now!!

  7. I am just starting to doubt how bad the symptoms were really , there are so many nowadays claiming that the virus almost killed them but they look like they had it mildly . Like they just want the attention , the likes and that would be wrong . I live in NY , I』m 50 my symptoms were mild , I was scared but there is nothing glorifying about surviving a mild illness . From the moment I started having the 1 st symptoms ( dry cough , headache , mild fever , diarrea ) to the middle ( shortness of breath, palpitations , tiredness) to the day when I started breathing freely again I counted 8 days . So if you get it mild just relax , drink hot drinks , water , gargle with warm water ,rest and the most important do not panic and do not think you are so special and post your selfies all over .

  8. Well of course they take good care of those with $$. I may not be smart but I listen and take care not to go and get infected or infect others?

  9. A virus taking over the body? Who would have ever guessed that's what happens? This is why you continue to suck, CNN. You run contact bullshit and mindless drivel. Keep it up, you need to go away before this virus does.

  10. "It was a little party….fifty people. I got sick….I took selfies"

    For all those people blaming young people for partying and acting stupid at Spring Break during the pandemic…here's the adult version. There is no age limit to being dumb.

    GO TO PARTIES FUCKING IDIOTS IT'S A GROWN ASS WOMAN SHE HAS NO HEART???What if ur children gonna die…fuck it

  12. I don't think we were social distancing at the time, and she never said her party was the one with over a hundred people. Maybe she should have been home, but this could have anyone who went to a restaurant or any other event or gathering

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