
目前正在進行一項有關美國冠狀病毒首例嬰兒死亡的調查。住在芝加哥的嬰兒的病史尚未公布。芝加哥公共衛生部專員艾莉森·阿瓦迪(Allison Arwady)博士與「哥倫比亞廣播公司今天早上」一起參加「哥倫比亞廣播公司」,討論「不尋常的」案件以及為什麼父母不應該驚慌。 。

  1. People really are fucken sheep they will follow whatever they are told without question and they're going to take us right to the slaughterhouse because your off bucking ignorant of what's really going on

  2. The all seeing eye the eye of Horus right behind you the people don't see it because they don't know the symbolism your satanic symbols the eye of Horus the same I that's on the back of the dollar bill on the top of the fucken Pyramid of the Illuminati masons go Fark yourselves you trash this probly isn't even a real fucken doctor

  3. So why are you even talking about it if you don't know there are underlying condition jet you garbage why so you can recant it in 10 days from now after you've already inflicted your damage on the people you trash

  4. I』m 8 n half months pregnant and I have a 16 month old and 5 yr old I』m scared I pray to God my babies don』t get sick or me or anyone one else this is so scary God please be with us!

  5. Fear mongers still don't want u to know how much worse the flu is. Ten of millions of people catch the flu Evey season and it kills hundreds of thousands of people it's statistically more deadly then corona but the news want us to be afraid ?

  6. It's ironic that that the Illinois governor who signed and an expansive abortion bill and celebrated the signing of that bill with women and children on the stage would express so much public remorse over the death of an infant after celebrating signing the death warrant of so many other infants.

  7. It's one thing that Trump kills American companies/contractors who dere doing business with the deadbeat , but now Trump's incompetence is killing Americans.

  8. In Europe 90% of the dead had more than 65. So keep calm and carry on. In the same time infant mortality rate in the US is 60% higher than in Europe.

  9. It doesn't matter how young or how old you are, this virus doesn't care. Our government (U.S.) needs to let the military take control. Because people can't seem to stop going out, eating out (drive thru) and partying.

  10. Yet somehow Florida doesn』t obey the warnings? Seriously, when people start seeing their family go into treatment maybe then they will come to reality?????

  11. the youngest person to die of the disease in the galaxy. confirmed. this is over 6 million times worse than a 141 year old dying of the Coronavirus. the 141 year old lives longer than the baby. so the elder is older and had a good life and lived pretty lucky. so the baby who died didn't had a chance to live for long as it got extremely old. the infant is younger. an infant dying of the disease is one of the worse news iv'e ever seen. this has completely made history. and will be remembered forever. also happy april fool's day and a happy birthday to Logan Paul, Scotty sire, Asa Butterfield, Carson johns, randy orton, Phillip schofield, troy baker, and Leslie Hernandez.

  12. Has anyone heard about the individuals that where caught creating the virus? They are being prosecuted.

  13. typical corporate media continue on with the FAKE pandemic and pulling strings by using an infant to scare the masses even more…absolutely DISGUSTING….meanwhile there are actually people that died from suicide thanks to your over blown fear mongering over this FAKE pandemic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AU1F4fKq4aQ

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