David Icke,5G和大流行|心理健康與陰謀論

該視頻回答了以下問題:我可以分析戴維·艾克(David Ike)關於5G的理論嗎? 5G危險嗎? 5G可以用來引起特定的情緒嗎?我能否談談對5G的恐懼以及圍繞5G的陰謀論的心理健康和人格方面? 5G是否導致和/或維持大流行?

美國精神病學協會。 (2013)。精神障礙的診斷和統計手冊(第5版)。弗吉尼亞州阿靈頓:作者。

Verma,A.(2019年)。 5G的健康危害?語音和數據,26(8),22–25
拉塞爾(C. L.)(2018)。 5 G無線電信擴展:對公共健康和環境的影響。環境研究,165,484–495。 doi:10.1016 / j.envres.2018.01.016

Neufeld,E.,&Kuster,N.(2018年)。基於分析模型和熱劑量的時變5G射頻暴露安全限值的系統推導。健康物理1. doi:10.1097 / hp.0000000000000930

Betzalel,N.,Ben Ishai,P.,&Feldman,Y.(2018年)。人體皮膚作為次THz接收器– 5G是否會對它構成危險?環境研究,163,208–216。 doi:10.1016 / j.envres.2018.01.032

doi:10.1371 / journal.pone.0225964

Deruelle,F.(2020年)。電磁場的不同來源:危險不僅限於身體健康。電磁生物學和醫學,1-10。 doi:10.1080 / 15368378.2020.1737811

成為上帝的兒子是一個不錯的小小掙錢者。通過:理查德·利特爾約翰(Richard Littlejohn),《每日郵報》,03077578,11/29/2011

Lynskey,D.(2014年)。大衛·伊克(David Icke)的神靈天才!新政治家,143(5234),15。

Lewis,T.,&Kahn,R.(2005年)。 Reptoid假說:David Icke的外星人陰謀論中的烏托邦和反烏托邦表徵母題。烏托邦研究,16(1),45-74。

Seal,T.,Torsoli,A.,Nicola,S.,&Kehnscherper,L.(2020年)。 5G存在健康問題。彭博商業周刊,4643,14-15。

Marek,S.(2019年)。 Marek的觀點:5G部署再次引發了RF輻射健康的爭論。 FierceWireless,N.PAG。

沃爾夫·A(2018)。 5G挑戰:30%的人相信細胞信號會導致癌症。 TWICE:《消費電子產品周刊》,第33頁,第18頁,北太平洋





  1. the theory of 5g being able to control people's rage is straight out of 'The Kingsman' (a 2015 movie) that's why it sounds so ridiculous to me

  2. We absolutely know 5g has not been tested properly. Be careful with the word 'conspiracy' as if it's all nonsense..Many so called conspiracy theories turned out true whilst others are utter nonsense. Our science is based on lots of assumptions and we need to mindful of these gaps and keep an open mind when practical evidence inconveniently suggests things which don't sync up nicely with our current models. Good scientists are very humble in this regard. I'm an engineer and it amazes me just how little we understand about our bodies interaction with electromagnetic fields long term. Bio physics is massively neglected area of study, yet probably one of the most important areas for the future of medicine.

  3. We all got locked down in Cyprus. Whilst we are sleeping and forbidden to leave our homes after 9pm, and can leave once a day for a limited time, after we receive a text permission (sounds like 1984 to me) huge 3G towers are appearing in little Greek villages. Switzerland seems to think it might be dangerous and has put a hold on it. Something is not right. David Icke has talked for 30 years. He talked about the population getting microchipped and compulsory vaccinated and cashless societies, back in the 90s. What has he been wrong about. Pick up one of his old books and you'll think he had a crystal ball. What he had was contact to people who knew where this was heading. Just like George Orwell knew what the plan was before he wrote 1984. In Cyprus we are encouraged to report on our neighbours, just like in 1984. Soon children will be 'telling on their parents'. Is the world you choose to live it. If so fine, get on with it. Read 1984 and enjoy!!

  4. Lets get David Icke to have a debate with Dr. Todd Grande… I hope the first 5G installations go up in Dr. Todd Grande's neighborhood… Lets see what his position is once technocracy, social credit scores and illness infests his neighborhood and loved ones… People, what we have here is another example of a useful idiot of the establishment… This man might as well be another branch of the mainstream media hustling disinformation.

  5. And let's not forget, while conspiracy theorists are spouting on about how the powerful and rich are trying to control us and gain more riches and power- the conspiracy theorists are making a fortune whilst embracing their following. Its a funny illogical world we live in.

  6. I don't think it's a conspiracy i just think it's corporate stupidity in the pursuit of greed. By a bunch of specialists, not polymaths, who are tooo stupid to realise that all reality is based on an electromagnetic substrate. 5G IS THE BULLDOZER TO THE BRICKS OF THE HOUSE OF THE BODY

  7. No conspiracy theory has ever been proven to be true. Conspiracies have been revealed but they were never theories. An important distinction especially when Icke et al claim credit for it.

  8. I believe you stance is seriously flawed. As the alternative to your narrative would be that people should just ACCEPT what these corporate entities want to push into society. Fear is a powerful force in many ways. It can be used to force people into acceptance or alternatively an individual can be made so fearful that they themselves ask to be saved from it not knowing the same individual offering to save them is the one creating the situation of fear. It is a natural human instinct not to just believe or except everything put in front of an individual. THIS IS A SURVIVAL MECHANISM. Questioning is the key to understanding and I think it is very healthy to have a society that encompasses the critical mind of a free thinker. You yourself admit that the effects of these radio frequencies is UNKNOWN. So until it is tried and tested allow poorly the space to question. Especially when you do not have the answers to the questions being asked. Kind regards and have a good day Sir.

  9. The biggest threats to mental health are 'governments' worldwide. Look what is happening specifically in the UK presently, and with the weeks to pass, keep your eye on national and global suicide rates!!!

  10. Modern washing machines have Wi-Fi why? great way of tracking individuals all Wi-Fi devices   talk to other Wi-Fi devices, emergency services use Wi-Fi all the time to locate people. 5G is poison Earth does not need this along with neo liberalism , fiat money etc…please stop! using the words conspiracy theorists this was created by the CIA in 1967 to stop the anti-war movement, it take two or more individuals to conspire like politicians, CIA , Mr Icke is a truth seeker you cant conspire on your own.

  11. Thanks Doc for this interesting crock of shit but I have one thing to say…………..i DONT BELIEVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!1 YOUR TELLING PORK PIES!!!!!! bye bye see you later x

  12. What you dnt know wnt hurt you…….it kills you. So what is the real impact of all that radiation to the human body?

    So you say one thing and other scientists say another!! Simple understanding dictates that when there is a cloud about something its worth looking into and chances are conserns highly waranted.

    If 5g is dangerous it just is. No unecessary continuous around the world explanation is needed to state that.

  13. 5G is fallen angel technology designed to intercept human minds to control them. 5G makes your mind weak so that the demons from mars can possess you and open a gate for the grey aliens to come in and take over the planet. Once their here they will breed with human men and produce a new race of grey humans.. thats what 5G is…


  14. A few questions … Who wrote your script? Who is paying you? Never mind, we know the answer to those two questions. Did you get paid extra every time you use the word "conspiracy theorist"? Disinformation campaign? Indeed, this little clip is …

  15. I diagnose dr grande with cognitive dissonance . He』s clearly scared of NWO so he makes videos about David icke to convive himself that he』s a nutter therefore he doesn』t have to be scared because it』s all made up ???

  16. 'Corruption has appeared throughout the land and sea by [reason of] what the hands of people have earned so He [God] may let them taste part of [the consequence of] what they have done that perhaps they will return [to righteousness].'

  17. Dr. Grandé
    Is it possible that all the radio-waves we are now 『experiencing 『 are deflecting/absorbing/blocking/mixing with the sun』s rays ?

    And why I have another thought about birds and the radiations they recieve and the connection that nearly all Corona-viruses 『start』 in (water)birds and fying mammals … I am just asking questions?

    No evidence we get sick of 5G is a too premature statement … 「we can only find black ravens so therefore there are no white ravens」

    Loose from the fact! that certain companies only have the technical knowledge of that system so espionage is a very real threat. Norwegian intelligence services has found and blocked Chinese spying facilities in the northpole area.

    Thx for the scientific explanation your opinion is so so

  18. Explain why when someone has an heart attack we use electricity to shock the heart kick back in to life so obviously our brain and every cell has an frequency you crazy man What planet are you on Everything has an frequency Watching this made me want to throw my phone off wall An mobile phone can give cancer or radiation ? Fact ? Or not the MAN YOU TALKED ABOUT EVERYTHING HE SAYS Always comes rite people thought he was crazy but far from it Tv is fake news Why would the put asaptine in cola pop drinks to make you thick and slow and watch mong tv like this GET DAVID ON THIS SHOW AND HE WOULD PUT YOU IN YOUR PLACE BOILS MY PEEEE this World is messed next it be just like the Hunger games the movie That what world going to end up like The said hole in ozone layer lol then said the hole getting smaller Lol said we landed on moon years years ago lol In an tin foil rocket lol lol I actually to this day don』t even think no ones been to the moon ever but that what I think I like way you actually come across Cos your another person to watch and giggle at on an nite time

  19. I don't believe that 5g can cause you moods like rages, I don't believe all that what David icke says either, but does any body know about this wigig 6g? Thanks for the different spin on things .

  20. If David speaks no truth then why all his content bring censored. Someone tell me why this guy is coming up first in the search results of David Icke.?! YouTube censor the truth and evident. Nothing from David Ickes Personal channel comes up in the suggestions either.

  21. and why would over 20 countries state they don't won't it based unknowns and no real world testing ? yet you say its safe and conspiracy people are flat earth people .. so what all these countries top health officials are stupid and your informed .. its annoys me so much because you actually believe by using the word "conspiracy" in every video its proving a point but I just think its your boxed vision of the world that doesn't want to get broken into little pieces …

  22. mate you are full of sh+t buy an emf meter go find a 5g tower and then do proper reporting and informing to the public your ridicule is fact-less ,,,, buy an emf meter and a proper one for about £200 and go see for yourself more radiation is being emitted than any mobile network is telling you …. don't sit there in front of your computer telling people bullshit if you haven't even investigated yourself disgraceful… these towers are pushing out huge amounts lethal radiation on schools, peoples homes, peoples places of work and your paving the way to let them do it based on your belief a mobile phone network is telling you the truth .. sheep just following the herd mate .. I dare you to buy one and post a video standing under one and give us the reading>??????/ a real investigation

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