WOW BFA 8.3黃金製作指南-拍賣行技巧將充分利用新用戶界面!


8.3中的黃金製作!了解如何利用新的拍賣行用戶界面和一些技巧來幫助您翻轉,廉價購買墊子並增加資金!這是一個可能分多個部分的系列之一,以幫助您順利完成小妖精之旅。 。

  1. Hey dude 🙂
    I am making gold with every prof on one realm but I also have chars spread over 4 servers (newb server to mid pop servers) with 15k, 150k, 200k and 2m gold.
    I am currently selling vendor flip items on them with some scrolls and other minor things. I never really flipped mats (did it 2 times, first one was a success, second one was a lost of money :'D…).
    Well i really wanna learn how to flip correctly but I need few tips to begin with… What's your advices for a noob like me? please 😀

    I guess my first mistake is to want to sell those mats as fast as possible….
    For instance, What do i need to do when I buy like 50k linen for 3g, reseting the market to 7-8-9g, waiting 1 day and nothing sold and price is slowly dropping back to 3g… ? I know that it could be hard to quickly sell 50k linen on a low/mid pop :/

    Thanks for you vids 🙂

  2. any tips for flipping mats on high pop because to flip deep sea satin(270562 mats) thats 1.1 mil and i dont have that much to flip the market

  3. It』s funny because that is literally what you are doing on the ah just using mats and equipment instead of the company it self like in the stock market. If you haven』t looked into this you definitely should

  4. I tried buying all the monelite ore and stormsilver ore and raised the price and immediately started getting undercut all the way down to 12-14g wasted 170k

  5. Do any of the professions make more money than the others? Might make a new toon since I finally unlock some allied races. On a higher pop realm

  6. Thx for this dude. I wish I didn't have super rare recipes on my main. I could never drop main profs to pick up tailoring. Is there any money at all in BS or JC? Otherwise I will have to level my mage to Max and work on her tailor/chanting

  7. I'm sitting at 1.6 million and want to make it to 5. Anything else I should flip besides deep sea satin? I know it's all realm dependent, but just curious if there's anything else I consider flipping. Thanks!

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