
這支球隊不僅僅吸引眼球。 #HuntersTV將於2月21日登陸Amazon Prime Video。
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  1. Under the direction of comedian Jordan Peele, Amazon Prime produced and released a Jewish revenge-porn tv series called Hunters.

    This new series has as its goal the legitimization of violence against Nazis… However, since they』re all dead, really they are just glorifying and legitimizing violence against anyone that Jews don』t like.

  2. Is it the show or my tv that the first episode is extremely dark in the picture of the show, the brightness is very low. Already tried to adjust the settings but nothing

  3. Honestly i just wanna know was this really based on a true story? really nazis using underground communication around america and people sneaking around to get them?

  4. This is a great show until they get to a significant plot twist with the grandpa – it's either too much or idk, but it killed it for me. I'm also having trouble seeing how the main character has no background for this and then he goes creepy marine on us, but I just don't feel it. Maybe you have to be young and unaware of how much things actually affect people. There's no processing time. idk I felt like I didn't know whether I was coming or going with their plot.

  5. They hate you white man. Time to wake up, it』s not too late. Propaganda like this shows they are getting desperate. They fear us and rightfully so, because when white people wake up we can accomplish anything

  6. why are most white people racist, i know you folks made a lot of progress towards civilization but wtf is wrong with you in your head with the skin colour and different cultures, nothing personal, but i see it.

  7. the film makes out as if no one but Jewish people died or were tortured… This is actually not a bad concept for a show. The problem is the bad jokes, lazy writing, crappy actors, and lack of experience with the things they're doing. They were playing the violin from the wrong side, doing dumb things career criminals would never do like just waving guns around in front of civilians who naturally didn't notice. Oh and it's accidentally racist to Jews and intentionally racist to white people. lol The fbi agent chick said to her partner that Hansel and Gretel were blond haired, blue eyed nazi kids that pushed a witch into an over and the witch was really a jew… Hansel and Gretel is a tale that has stolen and borrowed from tons of older fables since the 1300s! Every aspect from that tale is borrowed/retold/re translated from earlier tales. So actually not a bad show if you can get over all these things plus the cringy diversity quotas and the super cringe left wingedness.

  8. I would like to see real criminals be hunted like United Statesians for the over 100 Native Americans and Mexicans they murdered to steal the land now called United States. This Jewish sentiment is nothing comparing to what was done to my people… Focus on real criminals not the ones invented.

  9. Why is it more socially acceptable to be anti-Semitic than anti-Chinese, when only 0.2% of the world's population is Jewish, and 20% are Chinese? It's like the world's most populous nation is treated like a subjugated minority.

  10. Search about the Leuchter findings.
    Search about the David Cole findings.
    Search about Dancing Israelis.
    Watch The Eternal Enemy of Mankind.
    Watch TGNST.
    Search about the USS Liberty.
    Search about Dresden.
    Search about the 109 countries.

    The winners wrote the history,and they defeated the wrong enemy.

  11. Can someone genuinely explain to me the hate this movie is getting? Is the hate simply that there were other tragic events that happened in history other than the Holocaust? I'm trying to understand what all this criticism is all about.

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