GRIS-在Google Play上可用

現在可在Google Play上使用



GRIS是一種幾乎沒有文本的體驗,只有通過通用圖標說明的簡單控制提示。任何人都可以玩遊戲,無論他們說什麼語言。 。

  1. I had heard about this game before, but this really made me wanna play it. Probably just gonna get it on Steam tho.

  2. Well…
    First: this is gorgeous, beautiful, awesome an artistically impacting
    Second: …… this is basically the game "Journey", but in 2D and side view :v

  3. Mano me escuta eu sei que demorou para tu fazer esse jogo para Android porque é muito difícil para o Ios é mais fácil eu sei mas tipo pô cara tu poderia fazer grátis o jogo aqui para a gente que não pode pagar

  4. I wouldn』t play this on a phone, I felt MUCH Bigger Chills when playing on Docked (TV Mode) than Handheld/Phone.

    I feel like mobile versions are great alternatives though for people out there who don』t have access to a TV or game console.

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