用設計思維加速創新|吉多·斯托普夫| TEDxVenlo


2005年,我參加了由荷蘭著名政治家主持的一次演講。老實說,他讓我生氣。 「他在解釋政治有多困難,談論他每天面臨的困境。但是他沒有提出解決方案。不是一個。甚至沒有一個計劃。有著多年經驗的設計師吉多(Guido)對他感到憤怒,突然意識到他有完全不同的思維方式。設計師總是探索新的想法。問題是他們創造力的挑戰。

他的憤怒變成了奇蹟。 「我問自己,是什麼使設計思維如此不同。最重要的是,它可能為團隊和公司做出貢獻。甚至政治。」他與代爾夫特工業大學一起在野外製作了產品開發團隊的電影,並與7位研究人員進行了分析。他們發現了團隊中的想法是如何產生的,捕捉了創新的起源,並揭示了設計師的貢獻。」


  1. "A coffee filter" is NOT a piece of paper — do shadow puppets put to use the characteristics of the material of the coffee filter? Nope. Did anyone put the characteristics of the coffee filter to use, or even the design built into it? An accordion fan or a designer gown that put to use the folds created in the filter ?

  2. Designing innovative thinking is a challenge and it triggers many variables of system thinking which we haven』t probably thought about. I』m trying to understand every aspect of different internal business processes linked to innovation however it』s impossible to link them all through measurement tools and while trying to determine factors which can determine the issues the IBP are determined by, I』ve realized that I』ve achieved a much better quality understanding of the knowledge I』m searching

  3. catch 22
    think options, on the go you find a way
    language we understand
    how do we know what we want, until we see the options are
    the first thing is, start. start moving
    you cannot know what you』ll end up with
    think options, learn on the go, play, make things
    learn by creating

  4. Great talk and a few good takeaways, except for one quite fundamental detail: design thinking is all about defining the problem. If the options you end up with don't address the problem, your innovation is worthless.

  5. There are more useful techniques (lead user analysis, voice of customer, etc.) I don't know why this is popular.

  6. Respectfully, some really GREAT ideas arose from one individual person, usually those ideas were ahead of the time though, and those people wee misunderstood…Look at Nicola Tesla…

  7. What a coincidence! I'm doing a Master in Management, and yesterday on my Innovation and Organization class we had a design thinking session!
    It was amazing how we came up with so many innovative ideas out of a single item! And we never thought of such things before we were exposed to design thinking.

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