
急診室醫生斯科特·薩姆蘭(Scott Samlan)說:「我每天都要處理槍擊,創傷和瘋狂的事情,這是唯一讓我感到恐懼的事情。」他和他在芝加哥西側的西奈山醫院的同事一直在前線,與他們的有限供應抗擊冠狀病毒大流行,甚至被迫製作自己的口罩以彌補供應短缺。他與大衛·貝格納德(David Begnaud)談及他和他的同事們在危機加深時所面臨的鬥爭。 。

  1. I have a daughter on front lines as a PA and a respiratory therapist wife. Really on front lines. But they aren』t afraid like this. And the doctor price in NY isn』t afraid either if you』ve seen his video. He is confident in what to do. Y』all can hate on me but I』m not going with the doc in NY and he says to not be afraid. Way worse there and he is at Cornell.

  2. THANK YOU to all my fellow healthcare workers, coworkers, and especially my husband who is also on the front lines as a Respiratory Therapist. Remember EVERYONE working in healthcare is exposed and needs your support. I work in an Illinois hospital dealing with increasing numbers of Covid patients and the shortage of protective equipment is not only SCARY it makes me so angry that it was allowed to happen. I am so BLESSED knowing people out there who can are coming together to help sew masks/mask covers for healthcare workers. I am trying to learn sewing just so I can also pitch in. We definitely need the support. Please if you can wear atleast a facemask if / when you must go out… It is not a medical grade mask so it is mainly to protect others from YOU because upwards of 25% of people (not an exact number, but it is a large amount) may be asymptomatic and able to give to others (without symptoms spreading…. A mask for you protects ME and a mask on me protects YOU!!!

  3. These are the real heros in our country. Not celebrities, not socialites, not athletes and not politicians.

  4. This doctor is full of it. Americans, even young and "healthy", are PREDISPOSED to get the Wu flu because a huge percentage of Americans have diabetes and/or hypertension, so stop lying to the public, CBC,ABC,etc with misleading information.. No young "healthy" Americans will die from this. Americans are a very sickly people as a whole. Look at this doctor's pictures of when he was fat.

  5. Can you damn media start being more specific rather than using scare tactics?? Like, yes, OF COURSE younger healthy people die from Corona.. BUT IT IS FAR MORE RARE for that death to occur over an elderly or pre existing medical issues patient.. some people are to damn stupid to realize this and you』re not helping them.

  6. I heard they are only treating patients who have health insurance. There was an actor who went to a hospital in LA because of Covid symptoms (as it turned out he didn』t have it, only a bad cold), they tested him, kept him there for 24 hrs then released him. Since he didn』t have insurance, he got a bill two weeks later for $9,000!

  7. Please tell ALL the medical staff in the U.S., that they're in my ongoing prayers! They're not alone! My heartfelt appreciation to all of them!

  8. I am a EVS worker in a hospital in the emergency room trust me we get to see it too we have to go through it too we have to watch the doctors and nurses panic and go through frustration and heartache and then we get told we have to go in and clean these infected room with hardly any PPE gear at all

  9. He's telling us to stay home, yet so many of us still are considered "essential workers" just because it's about the dollar. Why am I still going to work???

  10. Dr. Scott Samlan I appreciate that you are here with us fighting this virus on frontline like the warrior you are! You will win this battle you will win this war in the name of The Father, The Son and the Holy Spirit… Amen. God bless you ?

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