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  1. This is very useful in animation where only the camera is in motion. You can bake the lighting and material data one time and then render the animation in seconds per frame rather than minutes. However, if there are any objects moving in the scene then this will not work.

  2. After we baked in on angle of camera can we change to the other non similar angle where we can achive the time of render ? Is its possible on Vray?

  3. the big time savings comes in when you have to animate the camera, moving through the scene but max doesn't have to re-compute the lighting each time – so long as the light and object being lit aren't changing

  4. that's relly very helpful to me…very effective way to shorten the render time, now i need to know whether we can bake moving objects in animation rendering, can we appy this method on moving objects, or is there any other way to shorten animation rendering time with same quality?..current i'm working on an animation, wich has nombers of small cubes, moving and static, with paper material, and a spot light with shadow map Size 300 and sample range 30, 2Sided shadows, it takes average 2 minutes to render only 1 frame, there are thousands of frames to be rendered, animation is 6-7 minutes long, atleast 10,000 to 12,000 frames to be rendered, it's very frustrating, please help me out this…

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