





  1. This number will be lowered America. Don't give up just yet. Something is going to happen. Something special is about to happen. Just do the right thing right now during this time taking nothing for granted and ask in the name of Jesus that this disease be removed. What do you have to lose besides your lives. I beat a life sentence in prison for a crime that I didn't even do. No bail by 2 Judges and 1 week later I walk. My Attorney said they've agreed to let me out. My Attorney was baffled and my Attorney asked me for help while I was behind bars. I went to work in those cells calling out to the Lord and I walked away 5 months later. The person that put me through this left the state out of Shame. We can beat this America. I always win because I stand as close as I can to the Lord

  2. Maybe it's just that all of the other videos I've seen giving Covid numbers are Yakko's World but this looks so strikingly like a game of Plague Inc. that I can't make myself be serious

  3. Me: „Nah, I live in Germany. Even Earthquakes are here a rarity. Nothing can happen to us.「
    Corona: „Germany needs more problems.「
    *Germany is in panic*
    USA: „Djeuejevwkeofksnsk What the heck you all have only Corona we have every single problem!!!「
    That』s what quarantine makes!????????

  4. Guys, did you realize that Asia and Afrika are eating bats for so long years and the virus cams out of nothing? I think China hides something from us and it will be a big mystery!??? But guys I『m serious! I』m scared

  5. For anyone reading this they were showing this world map when the story first began to leak from China. This COVID 19 was definitely planned and planted. They showed America and every other place covered up in red indicating where it was before the first case.


  7. It's a shame trump ignored and down played the virus for almost 3 months. Letting it spread like a fire. The criminally insane have really let this country down. In 2014 there were 11 cases of Ebola in the united States and 2 deaths and Mr Trump demanded that President Obama resign immediately. As of today, Covid-19 cases are now 329,636 and 9,420 deaths in the United States and Trumps ego and incompetence compels Trump to insist he is doing a great job.The Trump administration fired the U.S. pandemic response team in 2018 to cut costs. His choices will bankrupt the country just like his failed casinos. Remember when he said the numbers "would drop to zero". You have turned your back to God and embraced corruption, dishonesty, greed, lust, anger, jealousy, envy, gluttony and the biggest sin Trumps Pride in only himself " Unmatched Genius". You have disagreed with the teachings of Christ- You chose the false prophet to follow. You failed Gods Test. You might as well melt your gold down and make a Trump statue to worship. Repent and be humble. All you heartless Trump supporters that found community in their secret hatred of everyone else are now themselves afraid because of trump. Your anger nor your Qrazy conspiracies will ever win the minority elected Trump a single new vote.

  8. Maybe what's happening is a message from the Earth, the nature, she gave us all we need… And what have we done to her? We are destroying her, our Mother, we pollute her, she, who gave us all…. She, who feed us…. We are nothing without her, we are nothing in the universe… We are injuring her, she is defending herself. If only humanity can take a lesson from this event… If only we give up all what is killing us, if only we stop to kill each other and respect our Mother, if only all gouvernements stop to think only money, despite lives…. But it's a dream….. Humans will never understand…. Once this crisis finished, slaves we are will go back to work, enriching riches while they are starving, and nobody will do something…. Humanity is stupid and will never learn from it's mistakes

  9. Remember that one time when Trump said "fLU vaCCinE wiLL cURe cORonAviRUs" a while ago?

    God, this is the one time I feel bad for America

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