
晶元卡結帳的噩夢? 《華爾街日報》的喬安娜·斯特恩(Joanna Stern)解釋了向信用卡和借記卡的新EMV晶元卡的過渡,以及為什麼智能手機才是所有支付問題的真正答案。






  1. The video only applies for some people in the US and for them its just a couple extra seconds… waste of time while bigger problems are out there

  2. Why just don't using the embedded contactless function of the card itself? Under 25 no pin nor signature is required, above I have to put in the pin and I don't risk to forget my card into the reader. Also I care about my personal data and I don't see why Apple & co should know how and where I spend my money.

  3. I think in the US most cards are chip and signature. Here In the UK most are chip and Pin (although UK banks will issue chip and signature cards to those with medical conditions/disabilities) what did surprise me is last week when the chip failed the payment thing asked me to swipe the card instead.

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  7. dont see what the issue, chip and pin has been in Ireland for the last 20 years, its kinda moved to 'tap and go' around 7 years ago. Cant tap in Ireland if its more than €30 though.

  8. Solutions: faster reader machines, and contactless cards.
    Wegmans Supermarket's readers are literally instantaneous, and don't require signatures since the initial roll out.

    I find using phones to pay a major security risk, since people lose their phones ALL THE TIME.
    Don't blame the chip, blame your merchants.

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