如何在Windows 10 PC上加快任何Internet連接的速度(真的很容易)

該視頻向您展示了如何在不使用任何軟體的情況下在Windows 10 PC上免費增強Internet連接。您也可以在Windows 7,Windows 8.1上使用此方法。而且此方法也適合任何Internet服務提供商或任何Internet來源(設備)





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netsh interface tcp set global autotuning =禁用




▼與Cortana的樂趣| Windows 10:



與Bent Pixels合作:http://goo.gl/YCGusG

請注意:「如何加快Windows 10性能(最佳優化設置)」


  1. Thank u so much! Just to let everyone know, this works perfectly if u follow the steps perfectly. the only problem that's gonna occur is the IP address thingy, so let it on 'obtain IP server' to not get that notification!

  2. SOLVED>>> Ok, after spending 2 full days trying to figure out WHY my Gaming PC was only performing at 1/3 of my Internet Bandwidth (200Mbps out of 600Mbps), I managed to come across a 3 year old thread where a writer mentioned using 3rd Party software that solved his issue. I tried it and it WORKED and amazingly enough, it's a program that's been around forever and I used it 10 or more years ago. Here is the link to it. It it called TCP Optimizer and it essentially automates all the manual Windows adjustments needed to speed up your connection. @t

  3. this is the slowest person on the internet like jesus christ dude get to the point, plus im seeing a lot of comments saying this can harm your internet connection and to not follow the video :/

  4. something is wrong with my computer. I am capping internet speeds at 94 mbps on the dot. even on fiber. and i do wifi speed tests on the same modem an im getting way higher speeds

  5. you're useless, pal …
    netsh interface tcp set global autotuning=normal – make sure you restore your internet speed back and undo all the previous ops

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