《行屍走肉》 10×16 Extended Trailer Season 10 Episode 16 Promo / Preview [HD] 「一定的厄運」

行屍走肉10×16第10季第16集行屍走肉S10E16 10×17 TWD 10×16 TWD第10季第16集


《行屍走肉》 10×16擴展促銷/預覽
《行屍走肉》 Season 10 Episode 16 Extended Promo
《行屍走肉》 10×17預告片《行屍走肉》第10季第17集擴展促銷將在下周上傳! 。

  1. 0:56 No ! it's the Pope! As if it was Maggie fighting like this! I am 100% right that it is not her and I bet all my life, it is a new character come to replace and pay homage Jesus for the martial art ! I listen my instinct that he's a funking badass character like Scorpion

  2. MAGGIIIIIIIIE MAGGIIIIIIIIIIE yay Magie is back 🙂 hope thats not the end of the episode xD dont wanna wait one year to become chills xD 😀

  3. I just went back on the season 10b trailer and there』s nothing on the finale only episodes before it , they』ve teaser absolutely nothing about the finale in trailers beforehand

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