互聯網速度能快過光速嗎? |泰米爾語|萊姆斯








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  1. Hi sir,
    I think we need more detailed video about the electron spinning & it's properties . What is quantom world. Please give us eloborate answer.

  2. @
    LMES: Answer this, adhu epdi light ah vida speeda pona past pogum? If I divide 1 by 1000 times, it never goes to negative value. fraction zeroes than increase agum.

  3. 10 thu maniku anupura message eppudi bro 9 thu maniku pogum
    Ennathaan light a vida speed a travel pannaalum,, naan text panni anupura message send button press pandrathe 10 thu maniku thaana,, appo receive aagurathum 10 thu maniku thaana irukum,, ithu ku answer pannunga,, ennada ivan ippadi kekuraane nu nenaikaathinga naan unga nanban thaan, enku erpata oru question ?? ok….

  4. Brother I'm an anaesthetist with a lot of passion in quantum physics and relativity.. saw your video. You have done a fantastic job. Seen hundreds of videos in English but first in Tamil. And your explanation and animation is top class. Vazhtukal nanba..

  5. Super, Super anna, quantum mechanics pathi clear ah purinchathu ungalala oru maatram kandipa vara poguthu Tamilnadu la……. Keep going anna it's a great platform and I will support any time..

  6. Adhu epdi bro past ku pogum …if i sent my frd to space in lighting speed …start time for both same …5 yrs for me is 5sec for him ….so if i sent a message through this way it may be receive faster than what actually We are using currently only….like
    For example

    Present way : 10.00pm msg will receive 10.01pm

    This quantum way : 10.00pm msg will receive 10.00000000000001 pm right???

    Sry if i am wrong ?

  7. அண்ணா நீங்க ஒரு பாத்திரத்தில் மெழுகுவர்த்தியை உடைத்து போட்டு அத வெப்பப்படுத்தி உருக்கி அது கொதிக்கும்போது கருவேலம் மரம் இலை அதுல போட்டு தண்ணிய அதுகொதிக்கும் மெழுகு கூட சேர்க்கும்போது நெருப்பு மேல வரும் அது எப்படி அது என்ன அறிவியல் இருக்குசொல்லுங்க please ( தண்ணிய அதிகமா சேர்க்கக்கூடாது சும்மா ஒரு சொட்டு படுற மாதிரி பண்ணுங்க)

  8. You mean the sharing of information is faster than light , it can be . But it has to be a machine that has the components to process the sending and receiving faster than light. But simply it would vanish . Don't ask me how.

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