
  1. really good game but please add more monsters more cards and add guild for more fun and interactions with players it can be fun but please do more content

  2. Don't forget about your other game Hackers – Join the Cyber War. Its been so long since any update and fans of the game really want to know if they are investing time in a dead project. It has so much potential with more updates but we have not heard anything about it.

  3. The economy of this game is so boring, the reward of clearing a dungeon is so low that it felt stupid for clearing an actual dungeon then doing farms. The chess which players created don』t drop anything special which kills the excitement of opening chess. All in all, this game have a great potential but it needs variety, we need more things to farm for except for gold!

  4. Добавьте улучшения. Вещей вообще почти нет, а ресов просто побольше их мало за бой выпадает!

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