



  1. When I unlocked all the keys, it stopped focusing on spesific keys eventhough my confidence levels for some keys were below 1. Is it normal? How can one manage to get that option?

    This video helped me a lot by the way. Day 4, 5th hour on keybr.com. Average speed is 36.

  2. Bruh everyone』s giving him so much praise but my how old over here doesn』t even know it』s called touch typing and he is making a whole video about it

  3. WOULD YOU GUYS STOP BRAGGING ABOUT YOUR WPM. But wow really good method. Now i can't try this method for now because i have no moniter to try it with but i bet it is going to be awesome! Thanks a lot.

  4. So, I don't really use a technique.
    I just basically..
    Type. I guess it's my own technique now.
    And you know what i'm naming it?
    The Plauge Doctor's Essay
    My average WPM is around 100.

  5. I usually type with 4 fingers, and get 65 wpm average but I'll try for a while to use the asdf jkl; method and update you when I get good. Someone remind me in 2 months, 5/10/2020 to update my comment

  6. I entered this video to improve but I just watched that I was doing it correctly my whole life, my only problem is when I have to remember symbols like = {}[]~

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