如何顯著減慢冠狀病毒? #Masks4All(知識共享許可,可以隨時共享)


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我們已經在兩所主要的技術大學成功地檢驗了這一假設,在捷克技術大學布拉格校長的協調下,專家小組COVID CZECH強烈推薦該假設。該團隊由病毒學家,流行病學家,專門從事人口保護的醫生,化學家和物理學家(如果經過過濾)組成。該小組是布拉格捷克政府的諮詢專家小組。現在在全國必須戴口罩。


3)確認面具效果的33項研究的清單(非常感謝@Jeremy Howard):http://tiny.cc/maskswork + Jeremy的精彩視頻:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BoDwXwZXsDI

-教程如何製作自製面膜:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v = aNjpH5lBZ8w
-另一個教程:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v = -QpcnRv6r-o

-「我們得出的結論是,全民使用口罩可能在延遲流感大流行中起重要作用。使用口罩還會減少繁殖數量,甚至可能降低到足以控制流感爆發的水平。」 Brienen,Nicole CJ等。大流行期間戴口罩對流感傳播的影響。風險分析:《國際期刊》 30.8(2010):1210-1218。」
-「儘管佩戴不當和不完全依從性差,個人呼吸器仍能提供最大程度的保護,但使用任何一種普通口罩都可能降低人群的病毒暴露和感染風險。」 -Van der Sande,M.,Teunis,P.,&Sabel,R.(2008)。專業和自製的口罩可減少普通人群中呼吸道感染的暴露。 PLoS一,3(7)。
-與口罩相比,口罩的有效性:Davies,A.,Thompson,K. A.,Giri,K.,Kafatos,G.,Walker,J.,&Bennett,A.(2013)。測試自製口罩的功效:它們能在流感大流行中起到保護作用嗎?災害醫學與公共衛生準備,7(4),413-418。 PDF:https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Katy-Anne_Thompson2/publication/258525804_Testing_the_Efficacy_of_Homemade_Masks_Would_他們_Protect_in_an_Influenza_Pandemic / links / 53fefd8f0cf21edafd154-85-Prof-in-t-an-flu-In-d-Ec-t-an-In-d大流行.pdf
-「但是,在嚴重的大流行期間,如果使用口罩的人數可能更多,則可以減少家庭中的大流行傳播。」 MacIntyre,C. R.,Cauchemez,S.,Dwyer,D.E.,Seale,H.,Cheung,P.,Browne,G.,…&Ferguson,N.(2009)。口罩的使用和家庭呼吸道病毒傳播的控制。新興傳染病,15(2),233。

-作者:彼得·路德維希(Petr Ludwig),阿內塔·科諾娃(Aneta Kernova)
-主演:安妮塔·科諾娃(Aneta Kernova)
-聲音和後期製作:BeLoud Studios(Bojan Bojic)

  1. EDIT: Big news! WHO is changing its position about face masks. Now, our video and recommendation are both in alignment with the official WHO opinion: https://bit.ly/WHO_masks
    EDIT: This video is under Creative Commons license, feel free to share it (please always mention the link to the original YouTube version). Here is the source data of the video for download: bit.ly/Masks4All-download
    EDIT: We have added a new and urgent message from the Minister of Health of the Czech Republic for other health ministers and governments: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jZtEX2-n2Hc Please, share and help us to save lives around the world.

  2. Hi guys, I'm from Italy and I'd really like to share your words with my contacts in centre and south Italy, in those regions where we still have a chance to block the spread of contagion; problem is that a video in english is really scary for italians, especially the elders, even with subtitles. Are you planning to release dubbed versions?

  3. Really, no. Don't exist exact scientific evidence about efficiency of chrirurgical masks against viruses with diameter about 120 um. Chrirurgical mask stop cca 2 – 5% particles with diameter about 120 um during cca 2-3 hours during which is mask carry.

    In pandemic of Russian influensa (1899-1905) and Spanish influensa (1918-1920) peoples also wear face masks. Don't exist differrence between sick and dead in cities with required masks on public places and and cities which don't required face masks. Only self-isolation, public hygiene & desinfection and distance between peoples 6' and more help minimalize new sick and dead persons.

    Czech Republic have relative small number of seriously sick & dead patients, because 1. almost everyone peoples was vaccinated against tuberculosis (pnæumoniæ) and we don't why, but peoples with this immunomodulation have less respiration diseases, and we don't why, but this peoples have not so strong damage of lung from Covid, 2. Czech Republic have very strictly restrictions of public life – all churches are closed (nobody in history we close churches!), all school are closed (in Protektorat, during WWII, we had last close school), state border is closed, all shops and stories are closed, excluded pharmacy, food stores, haberdasheries, and a few other exceptions and 3. we are nation of rats and polecats, peoples are voluntarily at home, excluded situations in which they really must go out, because they are worried about life (included counties with 2 Covid positive persons and towns without any positive person!?‍♂️)

    "Miracle veil" against Covid don't exist, FFP3 respirators have maximum efficiency about 90%, modern military gas mask is protect device with efficiency more than 99.99%.

  4. The WHO, the CDC and the u.s. government administration all untruthfully told us that face masks were unnecessary so that more face masks would be available to medical providers. But the fact is, there would be less patients for medical providers to see if people were told to wear them and it was required. It's irresponsible to lie to people and irresponsible to not supply medical staff with the very basics to stay safe. They not only did not require masks, and still do not, they discouraged it. Shame on them for their dishonesty and shame on every one that is directly responsible for the lack of masks, gloves, ventilators and other supplies. We could have had more supplies. We could have had less cases also. The degree to how out of hand this got was preventable. This is not our first pandemic, there were signs that were ignored by those we listen to for guidance. Thank you Czech Republic for being so smart and caring by protecting your citizens.

  5. Siempre lo dije , llevar mascarilla es fundamental, puesto que con solo hablar estas diseminado el virus y aunque parezca increíble este virus viaja a 5 metros con las gotas de flugge en los cuerpos de gohn, la distancia de 1.5 metros es inútil e ineficaz , si no tienes mascarilla. Los expertos salieron a desmentir en un momento este hecho diciendo que el uso de mascarilla era sólo para los infectados, una mala información que nos ha costado muchas vidas , pues como sabes tu quien esta infectado ?¡ pues el protocolo de actuación fue violado por cientos de turistas no cumpliendo la cuarentena obligatoria, hecho que también nos ha costado muchas vidas .Nosotros sabemos de protocolos y estadísticas pues el virus no lo sabe .

  6. It amazing that WHO still does not get the importance of people wearing cotton made face masks i,e, none medical. As per their comment saying it is not bad idea. They can not see the light that if people start wearing these masks they would not be contaminating surfaces. mean while keep washing hands and the social distancing have the virus being given a chance to live granted that it will slow its progress.

  7. May I ask who produced this video? Where did the funding come from? We've never use face mask during all previous flu pandemics, so why use them this time?

  8. 3M N95 face masks cost about 4 USD each, surgical masks cost about 15 cents each and come in boxes of 30, 50, or 100. You can buy them on Amazon. Daily uses of surgical mask for flu or air pollution is just common sense in China, Japan, and Korea. In Japan especially people wear surgical masks so that they don't sneeze or cough in public. It is for the protection of others! WHO have no brains. People died because of this mistake.

  9. there is lack of facemasks in Poland , so people are not wearing it . And we can't import them even from you . And goverment are liars . They put 440 mln Euro into tv propaganda ,they do nothing to help people who can't go to work .

  10. W Hiszpanii w filmiku ratownik pokazał, jak większość maseczek zapobiega rozprzestrzenianiu się aerozolu z wirusem – w ogóle nie zapobiega, tylko chirurgiczne i te z filtrami zapobiegały rozprzestrzenianiu się aerozolu podczas kichania.

  11. Czechs are famous for their precision machines and firearms. Yes you Czechs are smart, sensible and practical people.

  12. Be obedient sheep. Believe in everything media has told you. The corona plague is out there to get you! Now panic. Only the government can save you.

  13. Population of…
    …Czech Republic: 11 million // People Infected per 100k: 43.2
    …Poland: 37.8 million // People Infected per 100k: 10.2
    …Austria: 9 million // People Infected per 100k: 136.2
    …Germany: 84 million // People Infected per 100k: 110.6
    …Slovakia: 5.5 million // People Infected per 100k: 8.9
    Hmmm. Seems to me you need some better research and CURRENT STUDIES/INFO. All the stuff you listed was for other diseases from 7 to almost 20 years ago.
    Masks are a good idea…but I seriously doubt they will 'fix' the problem. The problem isn't someone coughing in front of you, or directly onto something. The problem is people going out. When at home, you're not wearing your mask. If you are infected, you can have the virus on your hands, your shirt, your shoes, you coat, your gloves…and your mask. You reach into your pocket to get money to pay for something….now the virus is on the money. And the guy who just took it. And the guy who he's going to hand it to to make change. And probably the counter top. And the door handle to the store. And all the products you touched. And…and…and…

    So, masks MIGHT help in the single instance of you walking down the street, passing someone who has it at the exact time they cough in your general direction, within 6' of you. Then your mask might help (and their's). But that is a pretty specific circumstance.
    You'd probably be better off carrying around three rolls of that toilet paper you hoarded and using that as a 'glove' to touch anything you have to and immediately throwing that bit away.
    Sorry to be a Debbie-downer…but lets be realistic. Masks might help…but they sure as heck aren't NEARLY as effective as just staying inside as long as possible; days or even weeks. (I do…but then again…that's my normal lifestyle, so C-19 hasn't changed my daily living much at all, tbh)

  14. Le port de masques faciaux réduira le taux d'infection du COVID-19. lorsque vous êtes à l'extérieur de votre maison, portez un masque. Pour autant que je sache, les masques N95 sont meilleurs que les masques chirurgicaux, mais tout ce qui empêche de respirer les particules d'humidité avec des virus aide. Encouragez vos voisins, l'immeuble à appartements et le gouvernement de la ville à porter des masques. Si vous ne portez pas de masques, vous serez considéré que vous n'appréciez pas votre vie. J'ai donc acheté des masques en ligne sur ojomask.com et il a fallu près de 9 jours pour les recevoir. Je pense que le temps d'expédition deviendra plus long à l'avenir. Et la recherche montre que les masques faits maison peuvent être très efficaces pour se protéger contre les virus. J'apprends à faire des masques maintenant.

  15. You have twice as many coronavirus cases as Thailand and three times more dead people of coronavirus than Thailand and you have ONE SEVENTH as many people as Thailand – and your Czech Republic is a success? Because you dress like a cowboy? Are you sure?

  16. O co tu chodzi? Przecież w Czechach zmagają się na podobnym poziomie statystycznym z wirusem co w wielu innych krajach. To czemu nagle wstawiony jest filmik, który sugeruje wyjątkowo skuteczne przeciwstawianie się zarazie? Nawet biorąc pod uwagę, że filmik jest wstawiony od gdzieś ponad tygodnia.

  17. So unlike the American influencers, the Czechs influencers made the right choice and promoted the idea of wearing a mask. Very good for them!

  18. A​ very​ sincere​ plea from​ the​ Czech people, support​ed​ by​ scientists.​ Here, in​ Bangkok, too, people​ wear​ masks​. If​ not, they​ wont​ be​ allowed​ into​ public​ building​s, including​ banks.​ (Their​ temperatures are​ taken​ before​ they​ access​ the​ building, too.)​ Here, the​ Royal​ family, Prime Minister, MDs​ and​ news​ reporters–everyone, whether​ they​ are/look​ healthy​ or​ not​–wear​ masks​–even​ when​ they​ are​ on​ TV.​ And, similar to​ the​ Czech​ people, some​ group​s​ have​ started​ to​ make​ them​ at​ home​ to​ donate​ to​ the​ needy.​ (But, of​ course, there​ are​ some​ crooks who​ hoard them​ or​ sell them​ online​ at​ exorbitant prices, and​ are​ arrested)​ In​ any​ case, this​ big​ crisis​ show​ us​ people​'s​ true​ nature and​ the​ blessed​ souls​ are​ revealed​.​
    In​ every​ crisis, there​ is​ an​ opportunity!
    Let's​ encourage each​ other​ to​ wear​ masks​ to​ protect​ ourselves and​ others​ from​ the​ virus.
    Many​ thanks​ to​ the​ Czech​ folks​ for​ making​ this​ wonderful​ video.​

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