如何從互聯網上下載iPhone / iPad上的任何視頻? (2020年更新)

如果您想在iPhone或iPad上下載視頻,那麼該視頻將幫助您做到這一點。 [ Tutorial: https://techempty.org/?p=670 ] 通常,iPhone用戶…。

  1. Important PS: When you open savefrom(dot)net website, at first you may be taken to some UNWANTED websites. It happens only when you first visit the savefrom website. Please close the tab and reopen the same website again and follow the process.

    Extremely sorry for the inconvenience. I haven't faced any issues while producing this video. So, I didn't mentioned about that.

  2. Thanks, I was always looking for a way to upload a video to my social media without it opening up another window, a completely productive video!!

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