海綿寶寶電影:逃亡的海綿(2020)-Official Trailer-Paramount Pictures

加里被釘死了!海綿寶寶和帕特里克(Patrick)開始了一場熱鬧的冒險,前往#SaveGary!觀看#SpongeBobMovie:海綿在路上的官方預告片。 7月31日上映。

在這個陣亡將士紀念日的周末,海綿寶寶,他最好的朋友帕特里克·斯塔(Batrick Star)和來自比基尼泳褲的其他同夥在有史以來第一次CGI海綿寶寶電影活動中闖入了大銀幕。在海綿寶寶心愛的寵物蝸牛加里(Gary)被釘住了蝸牛之後,他和帕特里克(Patrick)開始了史詩般的冒險,前往大西洋城的失落之城將加裡帶回家。海綿寶寶和他的朋友們在完成這個危險而又熱鬧的救援任務中的歡樂和危險時,證明沒有什麼比友誼的力量更強大了。 。

  1. Sony: Let's Move Morbius From July 31 to March Next Year!

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  2. China is to blame when this movie gets moved up to next year, it is inevitable it』s going to be released in February 2021 instead, I can』t wait that fuckin』 long. All the movies that were supposed to be hits this year, CHINA WILL PAY!!! CHINA IS RESPONSIBLE FOR LONG WAITS IN THE MOVIES!!!! The Chinese government will take a huge amount of responsibility once this covid-19 thing is over which I hope is July.

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