Dragged Across Concrete(2019電影)Official Trailer –梅爾·吉布森,文斯·沃恩,珍妮弗·卡彭特


Summit Entertainment將與「向天空看電影」和「菲茲設施」(與Realmbuilder Productions)相關聯,提供統一電影製作,Cinestate製作。這部電影將於2019年3月22日在影院上映並按需發行。

  1. Sick fukin movie. I was rooting for Mel and Vince to win in the end. The ending sucked though. The black dude walk away into the sunset?? Would have better if the ring of thieves found him and killed him and his family.

  2. Ughh, im so over these damn remake of a remake of a remake, guns, cops, guy coming from a certain situation, hollywood is so dead, this type of crap is all they can squeeze out, this must be the template now for all medium range investment movies.,usual shit, change actors to suit the director, repeat.. Its so boring, its scary! If Bogarts slow measured responses were new back in 1930 something then slow, deadpan "gangster responses" are well and truly used up in 2000s!!

  3. Hi. Vince. Can you make this happen. This is Ana Vargas. I need you to make a movie about how a woman ask a family member that』s a cop to help her cause she needed an order of protection and it was being denied based on she didn』t have kids with the abuser. Then when she asks the cop to help her he locks his suv and forces her to have oral
    Inter course. Then he arranges that the cops go to where the abuser lives cause I went back to my abuser .. thinking I』m done. He』s going to just kill me if I leave him. No one will help me. But the cop send other cops to raid the abuser home. The cops find one bag of marihuana and locks me up. So then the abuser says here』s a number for the lawyer. Call him. I did. And then we sue and I win. But before that happens stupid me ask the lawyer if I didn』t have to worry about having any problems with cops. He said absolutely not. And well then … you make this movie. Please remake the movie. This time include me in it. Thank you kindly !!!!!!

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