狗島|官方預告片| FOX探照燈


小狗島講述了腐敗的小林市長的12歲病房ATARI KOBAYASHI的故事。根據行政命令,Megasaki市的所有寵物被放逐到一個名為Trash Island的大型垃圾場時,Atari獨自乘小型微型渦輪道具出發,飛過河尋找他的保鏢-Spots 。在那裡,在一群新發現的雜種朋友的幫助下,他開始了史詩般的旅程,它將決定整個縣的命運和未來。

在我們的網站上訪問Isle of Dogs:http://www.isleofdogsmovie.com


撰寫者:Wes Anderson
演員:F. Murray亞伯拉罕,Bob Balaban,Bryan Cranston,Greta Gerwig,Jeff Goldblum,Akira Ito,Scarlett Johansson,Harvey Keitel,Frances McDormand,Bill Murray,Mari Natsuki,Yojiro Noda,Kunichi Nomura,Edward Norton,Yoko Ono,Koyu Rankin,Liev Schreiber,Fisher Stevens,Tilda Swinton,Akira Takayama,Courtney B.Vance,Frank Wood

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  1. I'm gonna be honest. I don't care WHAT you say, I thought this trailer was the worst thing ever, and then the movie was just as bad. I liked the animation, I liked Bryan Cranston, but I just felt like everything was boring, poorly written crap. If you liked the movie, good for you, but I thought it was pretentious, stupid, and the worst trailer in the history of trailers.

  2. Amazing…amazing…amazing! Couldn't believe the precision of speech of each stop motion animation character. Additionally, the story line was great. The whole thing was executed wonderfully. Truly loved it but then again all his movies are sensational! I love that his work is not cookie cutter nor can be put into a neat little box. He is a very original and visionary thinker. Actors must be ringing his phone off the hook to be immortalized in history by way of his films.

  3. While watching him looking for his dog, I realized you have dogs right there at your side! But no I understand, you love that dog and he's yours. Guess I'll watch the whole movie to see what happens.

  4. A nice perspective to have is that, yes people who speak English cant understand the Japanese boy. But japanese speaking people cant understand the dogs. It's two stories, two takes on an equally fun journey

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