iPhone X跌落測試!

iPhone X殘酷DROP測試。帶有不鏽鋼邊框和OLED顯示屏的昂貴iPhone X有多耐用?超級令人印象深刻!

iPhone X水測試:https://youtu.be/dYCEPRCZCk8
iPhone X拆箱:https://youtu.be/d_Z1Ze4ewj0

  1. I dropped my iPhone X off the top of Bell Rock which was about a 3000 foot drop and it did not survive. That』s my type of every day drops that happen

  2. Русские залайкайте) пусть иностранцы думают что здесь написано что то крутое)

  3. I had an 8 plus for 2 years and it cracked last august from a foot and a half high on wood in a case. I have dropped harder with no case on a harder material and it was fine. After I dropped the front was shatterend and the screen was showing lines and stuff.

    Got it fixed and they did a crap job

    A month later I dropped it in the toilet and not fully submerged for 5 seconds killed it

    Got it replaced by insurance. I just decided to upgrade to a X.

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