具有Oracle Arun Gupta的Java EE 7和WebSocket API

在2013年1月8日於Yelp!舉行的舊金山Java用戶組會議上的演講中,Arun Gupta展示了Java EE 7平台的最新更新,並說明了WebSocket API的細微差別。

Arun致力於Java EE的更新,該更新著重於提高生產率和更多的HTML5支持,並向我們展示了代碼,以演示WebSocket API對實時通信的改進。



  1. Seems like one hour is not enough to explain all the improved or new features of JavaEE 7, Marakana please make a series of video when JavaEE 7 is fully realeased focusing on each improved / new feature or component, pleeeease 🙂

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