
藉助DC的獵物清單和一個哈雷·奎因(Harley Quinn)的神奇解放,VOD即將上映-Screen Junkies為我們提供了另一個歇斯底里的誠實預告片!這是我們的反應!!!
#HonestTrailers #BirdsOfPrey #DCEU

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原始影片:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v = JAKHZerZ2jM











  1. I must confess I only watched the Joker 2 days ago for the first time, and absolutely loved it!! Great portrayal in my opinion.
    Have yet to see birds of prey, however my fiancee works at a cinema and saw it upon release…twice lol she says it's a good film and was thoroughly enjoyable so I have high hopes

  2. For me personally IDC how many people enjoyed the film. I just will never see it for two facts. One which is the smaller one in my eyes is because the Birds of Prey aren't anywhere near the focus of this film in any sense I don't have the biggest connection to that comic series so that strike alone wasn't enough to make me not see the film. The huge strike against it that makes this film utterly impossible for me to stomach. Was the fact that they took my second favorite female DC character Cassandra Cain and used her name for a character who was basically the exact opposite of Casandra and basically spit in the face or what she stands for. In the comics she's a badass mute assassin who is also a very complex character and developed so well over time. Yet in the film instead of being mute she is the opposite and talks a lot. Instead of being one of the very best fighters in all of DC in the film she has zero combat ability. She looks up to Batman and what he stands for and what he's fighting for. Yet in the film she ends up looking up to Harley the opposite of Batman. In the film she kills people and doesn't even bat an eye about it. Yet in the comics she was raised to be an assassin from birth yet as soon as she killed someone for the first time she was traumatized by it ran away from her father and refused to kill from that point on despite the fact that she was raised to be a killer and had to constantly fight that side of her. Wasn't until they handed her character to someone who had no clue who she was as a character Adam Beechen did she finally kill and even then do to backlash DC was forced to Retcon all of that by revealing that she was actually injected with some drug or toxin that made her kill people by Deathstroke and that it was never an actual choice she willingly made.

  3. The movie's a mess, but I would much rather rewatch this than Suicide Squad. I'm still waiting for a truely great Harley Quinn film

  4. Some things I liked about BoP, many things I disliked. First and foremost, it's a movie about nothing really imo, starring something my brain is trying to reconcile over and over again…the Birds of Prey without being the Birds of Prey, but it's a Harley movie.

    Anyway, my own poem or haiku:
    A cop's story
    A dish of boar hind appendage
    Pig Tails.

    Too edgy?

  5. I think the tone will be an issue with these DC standalone films. It was kind of difficult to reconcile the Bugs Bunny style of this film versus Suicide Squad which was not so Bugs Bunny. Hard to find the level of realism to fantasy when they shift from film to film but star the same characters. Marvel will have a similar problem if they try to put FOX Deadpool into the main MCU continuity.

  6. Honestly no one is cuter than anyone, both of you are cute, smart and funny. Tbh if you were both single, you could both get it haha haha !!!

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