
黑曜石娛樂公司(Obsidian Entertainment)為即將到來的生存冒險遊戲《地面》(Grounded)揭示了一個全新的預告片。

#ign #gaming #grounded。

  1. All I ask is that fall damage doesn't exist in this game. I've always thought this would be an interesting mechanic, since acceleration from gravity means falling from one foot in the air will cause you to land at a BLINDING 5 miles an hour.

  2. So basically Microsoft is already letting us know not to buy a new xbox got it. End of the trailer windows 10 steam. Microsoft keep games exclusive to your xbix platforms. Jeez

  3. Anyone remember the Bug's Life and Toy Story action games? That's what this reminds me of. As well as that film from the early 90s everyone's mentioning.

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