如何使用CYDIA越獄iOS 11-11.1.2!伊萊克特拉越獄

如何使用CYDIA越獄iOS 11.0- 11.1.2!伊萊克特拉越獄
Cydia Impactor:http://bit.ly/2aBVvcl
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  1. It's not working on my iPhone 6s plus. After Clicking on Electra it loads step 1/3 then it closes out. Can you please help me with that?

  2. hey Cody, i accidentally deleted electra app then my cydia wont open. i tried to restore and reinstall cydia but it's not working. please help me ..

  3. I completed the jailbreak but Cydia won't open.. Everytime I press the app icon it goes back to my iphone's main menu. Any hints on how to fix this?

  4. ERROR
    file: installation.cpp; line: 42; what:

    The system version is lower than the minimum OS version specified for bundle at /private/var/installd/Library/Caches/com.apple.mobile.installd.staging/temp.ebBLZt/extracted/Payload/electra1131.app. Have 11.1.1; need 11.2

  5. cody i need help could you please help me my instagram username is @kingalex_6551 I'm not trying to promote my instagram i dont want eny followers

  6. This video really helped me a lot, in adding this onto my iPhone 7, until after I pressed the 「Jailbreak」 button in Electra and my screen blacked out and went to the home screen. I tried over ten times to get to work but it did not. Please help me out with this!!

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