娜塔莉·伍德(Natalie Wood):幕後故事(2020)|官方預告片|高壓氧


娜塔莉·伍德(Natalie Wood):女兒娜塔莎·格雷格森·瓦格納(Natasha Gregson Wagner)和其他最了解她的人的眼神告訴了娜塔莉·伍德(Natalie Wood)的生活和職業生涯。這部電影是為了紀念這位具有標誌性意象的女性,並探索伍德的個人生活和傑出事業的引人入勝的細節,而這些細節往往因其悲慘的死亡而黯然失色。該紀錄片將於5月5日晚上9點在HBO首映。 #HBO #HBODocs #NatalieWoodHBO

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娜塔莉·伍德(Natalie Wood):幕後故事(2020)|官方預告片| HBO。

  1. I just saw an HBO ad on Ssoyoung's animal torture channel. Youtube is using advertising dollars to incentivize extreme animal cruelty and profiting massively. Cooking baby octopus alive and dismembering octopus alive, and doing the same to many other animals. Youtube are well aware of this, but HBO and their viewers should be made aware, as well.

  2. Go Natasha!!! It's WAY beyond time that Natalie's true story gets to be told. You're an angel for your mama. And we've got your back.

  3. I』ve adored her since I was 11, and the older I get it only grows. For some reason, for the last week or so, I』ve been on a Natalie kick. Maybe it』s because The Searchers was on last week, dunno. I』ve been Watching interviews that weren』t on YouTube the last time I looked, mystery vids about her etc. Then looking on Amazon last week, at a totally unrelated book, Natasha』s new book was recommended to me. Of course anything new on Natalie always jumps out at me. Now today I see this. Just yesterday I was thinking of her and Redford. I』ve always like and respected him. Would love to hear his opinion on what happened and 「RJ」. He says in the TCM thing he did for her how they grew apart. Ironically seemingly right after the Candidate, which was also right around the time she remarried 「RJ」. Hmmm I can』t wait to see her girls (& it looks like little Clover in that one scene). I just wish they』d wise up or leave HIM out of it ?

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