如何使用此Rock Space Mesh家庭WiFi將您的WiFi互聯網速度加倍!技術專家

Rock Space Mesh WiFi使您的WiFi速度翻倍!那麼什麼是網狀WiFi,與Range Extender有什麼不同?在今天的視頻中,我將解釋有關Mesh WiFi的所有知識以及如何進行設置。我還測試了WiFi速度,以了解切換到網狀網路是否確實會產生影響,以及WiFi和Internet Speed的影響有多大。




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我叫Liron Segev,又名TheTechieGuy,我讓所有人都容易理解技術-我回答了您的技術問題,使您的工作效率更高,並能從手機,小工具和應用中獲得更多收益

Liron Segev又名TheTechieGuy。

  1. So I bought it about a week ago and ive set it up around my house that is 3000sq ft which should be no problem for the rockspace mesh wifi which are around 15-20 ft away from each other and I when I run the speedtest, and i have been doing many tests around my house and my usually ping is 18 but my download speeds are usually under 70Mbps with an upload speed of 11.5. Can you help me increase those?? Even though the mesh wifi should have no problem handling this much considering it showing on the box that it can cover up to 6000sq ft

  2. I checked my wifi with a wifi analzer and it said my speed is 144 mbps, but I did a speed check and only getting 30 down, I do not understand this. Help

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