Ed Helms和Taraji P Henson主演的Coffee&Kareem |官方預告片|奈飛

在鬧劇,哥們的喜劇《咖啡與賈梅》中,十二歲的賈里曼曼寧僱用一名罪犯來嚇mom他媽媽的新男友-警官詹姆斯·咖啡,但事與願違,迫使咖啡與賈里姆聯手拯救自己。來自底特律最殘酷的毒品主銷。由邁克爾·道斯(邁克爾·道斯)(傻瓜,古恩)執導的動作喜劇,由埃德·赫爾姆斯,特倫斯·利特·加德高和塔拉吉·P·亨森主演,貝蒂·吉爾平,羅恩·雷科·李,安德魯·巴切爾(國王巴赫)和大衛·艾倫·格里爾(David Alan Grier)共同主演。僅適用於Netflix,4月3日。



Ed Helms和Taraji P Henson主演的Coffee&Kareem |官方預告片|奈飛

一個無能為力的底特律警察必須與女友骯髒的小兒子組隊,因為他們在交往時的第一個裂縫發現了陰謀。 。

  1. 4 min in this movie and i want to take my belt and beat these kids and whoever wrote this movie ass. Why all of a sudden you all think its cute to have lil boys cussing like they are. Smh.

  2. I don』t understand how they could get a bunch of real 12 year olds to talk about sex so flippantly. What kind of money-hungry parent would agree to that?… it was an okay movie, I always love ed helms, but some parts made me mad uncomfortable. I don』t mind kids cursing at all, but there was a scene where Kareem was talking about being all up in his teacher』s coochie. So weird!!! ?

  3. This goes for everybody judging about the kid talking shit… well honestly I didnt know this was how kids are nowdays till my niece came back from school one day, and just to pissed her off I told her she had a crush on this kid and she said, oh no uncle he's gay!!! Then I said what? She gave me a big speech and told me that is not bad to be gay because gay means a happy person so that's why she calls him gay lol.. cause he always happy lol and then she told me she didnt know if she was straight either and shes 9 years old then she said all my friends suck ass so that's when I said whoa whoa there miss!!! Where did you learn all that and where did you learn to talk like that? She said oh uncle school everybody talks like that stop bitching about it lmao and that's when I knew times changed dramaticly.

  4. the director said 「well,let me try a 12yrs old boy who look like a girl and curse like a newyorker low life who lives in a project and getting foodstamp left and right,anything for buck」

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